Credit-Based System for API Usage

This project implements a credit-based system to manage API usage, ensuring fair access and preventing abuse. It uses Express.js for the backend, Postgres for the database, and Drizzle ORM for object-relational mapping. The testing framework is powered by Vitesse, offering a fast and efficient way to test your application.

Quick Start

Follow these steps to clone the repository and get started:


  • Node.js (v20.10.0) and npm installed
  • Docker (optional, for running a Postgres container)
  • Postman (for testing API endpoints)

Setting Up Your Environment

  1. Install Dependencies: Run npm install to install required dependencies.
  2. Environment Variables:
    • Copy the .env.example file to .env.
    • Update the .env file with your database credentials.
  3. Database Setup:
    • For Docker users, start a Postgres container by running docker-compose up -d. Make sure you have docker-compose.yaml ready.
    • Alternatively, manually create a database named credit_dev in your Postgres instance.
    • Create necessary tables by executing npm run migrate.
    • Populate the database with initial data using npm run seed.

Seeded Data

Here's the initial data seeded into the database:

  • Users:
    • username:, password: password
    • username:, password: password

Configuring Database Settings for Testing

When running tests with Vitesse, ensure your database settings in vite.config.ts match your testing environment. This step is crucial for accurate test results.

Running the Application

  • Launch the development server with npm run dev.


  • Run tests using npm run test to ensure your setup is correct.

API Endpoints

Explore and test the API endpoints by importing the postman.json schema from the root directory into your Postman application. This provides a ready-to-use collection of requests for interacting with the API.

Tech Stack

  • Backend: Express.js
  • Database: Postgres with Drizzle ORM
  • Testing: Vitesse for an efficient testing workflow

Docker Support

A docker-compose.yaml file is included for convenience, facilitating the use of a Postgres container. This is optional but recommended for a seamless development setup.