
Red, Green, Refactor Lab

  • npm init -y
  • npm i -D jest @types/jest eslint
  • inside package.json:
    • test script "test": "jest"
    • test:watch script "test:watch": "npm run test -- --watch"
  • create an .eslintrc
  • git init
  • normal git flow

getName function

create a function that returns the name property of an object.

const spot = { name: 'spot', age: 5, weight: '20 lbs' }
getName(spot) // returns spot

const character = { _id: '5cf5679a915ecad153ab68c9', name: 'Aang' };
getName(character) // returns Aang
  1. Write a test
  2. create your function, use bracket notation to get the objects name property
  3. pass tests and commit
  4. refactor, use dot notation to get the objects name
  5. tests stay green, commit
  6. refactor, destructure to get the objects name
  7. tests stay green, commit
  8. refactor, destructure function parameters and return name
  9. tests stay green, commit

copyAndPush function

create a function that returns a new array with all the items in the original array and a new item pushed to the end.

const numbers = [1, 2, 3];
copyAndPush(numbers, 4) // return [1, 2, 3, 4];
  1. Write a test
  2. create your function, use push to add item to array and return array
  3. green, commit
  4. oops we were supposed to return a copy
  5. add another test that makes sure that the original array is unchanged
  6. update code, use spread to copy and append
  7. green, commit


create a function that takes an array of strings capitalize all strings and filter out any string that starts with the letter f.

['spot', 'rover', 'bingo', 'fred'] -> ['SPOT', 'ROVER', 'BINGO']

  1. Write a test
  2. create a function, use a for loop to get test to pass
  3. green, commit
  4. refactor, use array methods to instead of a for loop


Use the Futurama Quote API to return a single quote with the format:

  name: '...',
  text: '...',
  image: '...'

How do you handle the randomness? Check out:

BONUS: Mocks


  • 2 points for getName function
  • 2 point for copyAndPush
  • 2 points for capitalizeAndFilter function
  • 3 points for fetchQuotes function
  • 1 point for commit history