Learning Readiness Exercise


This project repository contains code for a web page, listed in the file index.html. It also uses another file friends.json that contains data that will be used from index.html.

You can view a running version of the site here

(NOTE: You are welcome to download or copy the code and run it locally on your machine, but that is not required. Be aware that most modern browsers will not allow a file to request other files from your computer for security reasons. This means you may not see the rendered list of friends. You can use a static web server, but that is beyond the scope of this exercise)

About index.html

The index.html file contains three different coding languages:

  1. The file itself is written in HTML
  2. Inside the <style> tag is CSS
  3. Inside the <script> tag is JavaScript

In the "real world", we usually split the CSS and JavaScript into separate files, but for simplicity they have been "inlined", meaning including directly within the HTML file.


You may not be familiar with some, or even any, of the code used in this project. This exercise is not about what you may or may not already know about the code being used. You are not being asked to write any code.

What it is about:

  1. Attention to detail and your ability to follow through on instructions
  2. What you are able to research and learn on your own about what you do not know
  3. Your ability to communicate your experiences specifically with examples

This code sample is designed to have some parts that are new for a variety of incoming backgrounds, including true beginners who very little about code, and those who may have had some exposure practice in coding.

It is important that you focus on what is unfamiliar to you.

If you feel that you fully understand all of the code being used (including the JavaScript) and could write such code yourself, you should probably talk with us about testing into a higher level course.

Instructions: Part 1

In preparation for the interview, please take some time (but you do not need to spend more than an hour) to go through the following process several times:

  1. Formulate a question you have about the code. This may be based on:
    • Your curiosity
    • Seeking basic understanding
    • Something you don't understand well
    • Something different or new that you haven't seen
  2. Do some online research and see if you can:
    • Find answers,
    • Come up with more refined questions, and/or
    • Come up with new questions that the research inspires
  3. Be prepared to share:
    • What you found out concretely and specifically
    • What was still confusing or things that you did not find answers to

Again, the interview is not about technical knowledge or experience, but rather about your approach to encountering new things and learning.

You are welcome to bring in notes or your computer to the LRE interview

Instructions: Part 2

During the interview you will also be asked about:

  1. A specific experience in any area of your life in which you solved a problem or overcame a challenge and what you felt were the critical actions or approaches you took to achieving success
  2. Why the day-to-day activity of coding is appealing to you