A global database of earthworm body growth curves
You need to have installed the following libraries:
ggplot2, leafmap, plotly and maptools.
Then type the folowing code in the R Console:
runGitHub( "EGrowth", "JeromeMathieuEcology")
The app should appear in your web browser.
Type the folowing code in the R Console:
url_curves <- getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeromeMathieuEcology/EGrowth/master/curves.txt")
url_mds <- getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeromeMathieuEcology/EGrowth/master/curves_md.csv")
url_refs <- getURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JeromeMathieuEcology/EGrowth/master/references.csv")
growth <- read.csv2(text = url_curves, h = T, na.strings = "na",sep = "\t")
EGrowth_metadata <- read.csv2(text=url_mds, h = T,na.strings = "na", sep = ",", dec = ".")
EGrowth_references <- read.csv2(text=url_refs, h = T,na.strings = "na", sep = ",", dec = ".")
Then check the User Guide of the database.
Enjoy! Jerome