
Primary LanguagePython


I know that you guys asked an application that read and write a json file, but I've decided to build an api rest using FastAPI that allows us to read the json file from two ways, a post http request sending the json in the request body and a post http method that is possible to send a file.json from a multipart form request.

So, let's get started.

The two ways of running this project

  1. Git clone and run locally
    Clone the repository git@github.com:roschel/ourinvest.git, access the folder generated and setup the environment variable export PYTHONPATH=app, create your own virtualenv, install the pakages by pip install -r requirements.txt and run the following command uvicorn app.app:app --port 8000 access the following url in your web browser http://localhost:8000/docs and you're supposed to see the swagger page in your web browser.

  2. Docker
    Run the following command docker run -d -p 8000:8000 roschel/ourinvest:1.0.4, access the following url in your web browser http://localhost:8000/docs and you're supposed to see the swagger page in your web browser.

The first endpoint /file you will be able to select a json file from your pc and send to the api.

The second enpoint /body you will be able to send the content of a json file in the request body.

The return of both endpoints will be the content o the json generated and saved inside the file data/output.json. To check the file out, you need to run the command docker exec -it {your container id} bash (if you're running by docker) and then cat data/output.json

