
Soho vibes for st

Primary LanguageC

Rosé Pine for st

All natural pine, faux fur and a bit of soho vibes for the classy minimalist


With recompilation

  1. Open the config.h file inside the source code directory of your st build, or the config.def.h file if you are installing for the first time.
  2. Remove the following lines
    • static const char *colorname[], i.e. array containing the terminal colors
    • unsigned int defaultfg, i.e. default foreground color
    • unsigned int defaultbg, i.e. default background color
    • unsigned int defaultcs, i.e. default cursor color
    • static unsigned int defaultrcs, i.e. default reverse cursor color
  3. Copy the contents of the file corresponding to your favorite flavor (named rose-pine.h, rose-pine-moon.h or rose-pine-dawn.h) from the dist/config folder and paste in the config.h or config.def.h file.
  4. Run make uninstall and make clean install to reinstall st with elevated privileges (as root or using sudo or doas).

Without recompilation

  1. Check if your st build has the xresources patch enabled (required for this method).
  2. Copy the contents of the file corresponding to your favorite flavor, i.e. rose-pine.Xresources, rose-pine-moon.Xresources or rose-pine-dawn.Xresources from the dist/xresources directory in the repository to the .Xresources file on your system.
  3. Run xrdb merge <pathToXresourcesFile> to fetch the file, include the command in an autostart file (such as xinitrc) to run automatically on every startup.


Fetch featured below is NerdFetch

Rosé Pine

Rosé Pine with Simple Terminal

Rosé Pine Dawn

Rosé Pine Dawn with Simple Terminal

Rosé Pine Moon

Rosé Pine Moon with Simple Terminal

Thanks to


Modify template.h or template.Xresources using Rosé Pine variables, then build variants:

npx @rose-pine/build@latest -t template.h
npx @rose-pine/build@latest -t template.Xresources

Generated by @rose-pine/build@0.5.1