This repository consists of two submodules.
Run command below to add all submodules at once.
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
To give submodule name or path, run command below. don't forget trailing slash after path.
git submodule add --name {name} {repository-url} {path}/
like this
git submodule add --name server server/
git submodule add --name client client/
- typescript
- server: apollo-server,
- client: apollo-client,
- database: mysql (AWS RDS)
- deployment: via ainize
main features
Study Buddies
counts consecutive study days called streak
when user upload post every day, and recommends other users' posts based on user's posts.
We added 'like' and 'follow' features to notice popular post. It is expected that it will product training courses by designating 'popular posts' and categories as featured in the future.
effectiveness User can set next study goal via recommended posts and stack a lot of own education contents by posting steadily. user can be motivated to study every day.
user experience
User can sign in comfortably with google login.
Study Buddies
extracts post data from opengraph tag
via url, so user nothing to do except of putting url.