Intro to async/await

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This is part of Academy's technical curriculum for The Mark. All parts of that curriculum, including this project, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Having looked at Promises - one way of writing asynchronous code in JS/TS - we'll now look at async/await, which is another way of writing asynchronous code (but in a way that feels synchronous).

Learning Outcomes

  • Declare an async function expression
  • Explain the blocking role of await
  • Declare an async arrow function

Demo 0: async function expressions

🎯 Success criterion: You can declare an async function and explain the blocking role of await

The async keyword

Demo 1 has three function expressions declared - all of which are preceded with async, which makes them async functions.

However, async functions work pretty similarly to traditional (synchronous) functions.

Run the demo for printStraightforwardly. You'll see the output is exactly what you would see without the async keyword being there.

In fact, you can remove the async keyword and re-run the demo, and the output will be identical.

The same is true if you were to run printWithSleepNoBlock (and comment out the printStraightforwardly execution) - with, or without, the async keyword. sleep(5000) creates a promise that takes 5 seconds to resolve, but it's non-blocking, so the following console.logs can go ahead as before.

The await keyword

printWithSleepAndBlock is different.

De-comment the printWithSleepAndBlock("Hello world!") execution (and comment out printStraightforwardly and printWithSleepNoBlock), and then run it.

What you'll see is that our default non-blocking behaviour of promises has changed. Now, the execution of the function body pauses at sleep(5000) until its promise resolves - and then, once the promise has resolved, the function continues with the rest of its body.

Unlike the earlier functions in the demo, you can't remove the async keyword before printWithSleepAndBlock. If you try (and you should), TypeScript will warn you:

'await' expressions are only allowed within async functions and at the top levels of modules.

Why would we block?

Both .then and async/await are accepted modern ways of writing asynchronous JS/TS (which also are not mutually exclusive - they can be used together).

The non-blocking behaviour of .then lets you just get on with other things whilst you're waiting for some asynchronous operation to complete.

On the other hand, a lot of people find async/await easier to reason about - because it looks a lot more like normal synchronous code, where one line only runs after the previous line has been completed.

Demo 1: async function return values

🎯 Success criterion: You can type the return value of a simple async function expression

What does adding async do to a function?

We've seen that making a function async lets us use the await keyword for if we want to block until a promise is resolved, and it didn't seem to do very much to a function otherwise.

However, even if we don't use await inside a function, adding async does do something - it changes the return type of a function.

Any async function must return a Promise<T> for some resolve value type T:

  • Promise<void> is possible
  • void is not possible
  • Promise<string> is possible
  • string is not possible

This means that you could, in principle, chain a .then after you call an async function, since all Promises have a .then method.

You can experiment with this in the src/1-async-return.ts file.

Try adding explicit return value types to functions like this:

async function promiseToAdd(a: number, b: number) {
  return a + b;

Demo 2: Unfurling Promises with await

🎯 Success criterion: You can distinguish the types of Promise<T> and type of await Promise<T>

As we've seen, Promises can be typed with a specific resolve value: Promise<T> indicates that the Promise will resolve with a type of T.

When you await Promise<T>, we block future execution until the promise resolves - and, if it resolves with a value, then the await expression returns that value.

You can see this in demo 2 by inspecting:

  • the type of promiseOne
  • the type of resultOne
  • the type of resultTwo
  • the return type of unfurlDemo

Demo 3: async arrow functions

🎯 Success criterion: You can declare an async arrow function

Demo 3 shows how an async arrow function can be defined - similar to function expressions, it involves an extra async keyword and wraps up the return value into a Promise.