
mucking around with rust/c interop and unix datagrams

Primary LanguageRust


Exploring a couple things in Rust:

  • C program uses a Rust library
  • Unix domain datagram sockets for interprocess communication


  • ./src/bin/example_client.c: a C program that calls the Rust library
  • ./include/libkv_ipc_client.h: the C header for the Rust library
  • ./src/lib.rs: Rust library
  • ./src/bin/example_server.rs: a Rust program that receives messages from the C program

Building and testing

Build the components

cargo install cbindgen
cargo build

Launch the server, listening on a socket

./target/debug/example_server /tmp/my-socket

Send a message from the C program to that socket

./target/debug/example_client /tmp/my-socket