
An example of a Vite build for a Scala.js + Laminar + frontroute app.


This app also demonstrates how to use the embedded-files – sbt plugin and the macro – to effectively achieve "resources" in Scala.js.


The app is styled with tailwindcss.

installing npm dependencies

$ cd modules/website
$ yarn install

dev server

In sbt:

sbt:laminar-vite2-example> fastLinkJS
// OR, if you want sbt to watch the source changes and rebuild continuosly
sbt:laminar-vite2-example> ~fastLinkJS

Then, start the dev server:

$ yarn dev

production build

In sbt:

sbt:laminar-vite2-example> fullLinkJS

In the modules/website/index.html uncomment the reference to the production main.js (TODO: automate this?)

Run the build:

$ yarn build

The assets will end up in the dist directory.

  • index.*.js ~880K
  • vendor.*.js ~43K
  • index.*.css ~4.3K

To preview the production build:

$ yarn serve

Scala 3

You can build this app with Scala 3:

  • uncomment the corresponding line in the build.sbt (and comment the other one), same in the vite.config.js