
ROSE_SWE updater - Small shell script to download updates from our website

Primary LanguageShell

rupdater (ROSE SWE Updater)


Currently, there is no integrated automated update mechanism for the programs from rose_swe. To address this, we provide a shell script, rupdater, to facilitate updates from the following sites:



The rupdater.sh script is designed for use in a *NIX environment. It utilizes standard POSIX commands such as md5sum, wget, (g)awk, dos2unix, timeout, and others.

Important: Please note that timeout and dos2unix are not installed by default on some distributions. You may need to install these utilities manually.

How to Use

To download updates for the programs from rose.rult.at, you can use the rupdater.sh script. Ensure your environment meets the requirements and that the necessary commands are available.

Source Code

The source code for rupdater is available on GitHub: https://github.com/roseswe/rupdater


Version numbering and release tags follow the CVS tag convention.

Known Issues and TODO

  • MD5 Check: Currently, no MD5 check is performed before downloading a file; it is only conducted afterward. Consequently, if the filename remains the same, the file will not be updated or downloaded. This is an area marked for improvement in future versions.

By using rupdater, you can streamline the process of keeping your rose_swe programs up-to-date in a *NIX environment. For any issues or contributions, please refer to the source code repository.