This repository includes Python examples that leverage the /morphology/lemmas
endpoint of Rosette API for:
- Comparing vocabulary terms in different sets of documents
- Visualizing frequency distributions of vocabulary terms and their parts-of-speech
The simplest way to get started is to access the Jupyter notebook online here. You can also run the notebook locally (after following the setup instructions below) by running:
(compare-vocabulary) $ jupyter notebook visualize.ipynb
Some corpora of poems by several famous poets are provided as examples in data
. If you'd like to analyze your own data, you can add to/replace those subdirectories with directories of your own plain-text files.
This repository is written for Python 3.6.3 or later. It is recommended that you set up a virtual environment first. In this directory run:
$ python3 $(which virtualenv) .
Then activate the environment:
$ source bin/activate
Then install the dependencies:
(compare-vocabulary) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Now you should be all set to run the scripts or launch the notebook.
This is a Python script with a command-line driver for producing a tabular comparison of lemma/parts-of-speech term frequencies across different corpora.
(compare-vocabulary) $ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-c {all,intersection}] [-n TOP_N]
[-l {ara,bul,cat,ces,dan,deu,ell,eng,eus,fas,fin,fra,gle,glg,hin,hun,hye,ind,ita,jpn,kor,kur,lat,lav,lit,mar,nld,nno,pol,por,ron,rus,slk,slv,spa,swe,tha,tur,urd,zho}]
[-k KEY] [-a API_URL]
directories [directories ...]
Compare vocabularies from directories of text files
positional arguments:
directories a list of directories of text files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c {all,intersection}, --comparison {all,intersection}
select whether to compare all vocabulary terms (all)
or count only the frequencies of terms that occur at
least once in each directory (intersection) (default:
-n TOP_N, --top-n TOP_N
how many lexical items to compare (default: None)
-l {ara,bul,cat,ces,dan,deu,ell,eng,eus,fas,fin,fra,gle,glg,hin,hun,hye,ind,ita,jpn,kor,kur,lat,lav,lit,mar,nld,nno,pol,por,ron,rus,slk,slv,spa,swe,tha,tur,urd,zho}, --language {ara,bul,cat,ces,dan,deu,ell,eng,eus,fas,fin,fra,gle,glg,hin,hun,hye,ind,ita,jpn,kor,kur,lat,lav,lit,mar,nld,nno,pol,por,ron,rus,slk,slv,spa,swe,tha,tur,urd,zho}
ISO 639-2/T three-letter language code (this indicates
which stopwordlist to use) (default: None)
-k KEY, --key KEY Rosette API Key (default: None)
-a API_URL, --api-url API_URL
Alternative Rosette API URL (default:
For example, to write out tabular comparison data to file as TSV:
(compare-vocabulary) $ ./ data/{carroll,shakespeare} -n 50 > carroll_vs_shakespeare.tsv
And to quickly reformat the the TSV file contents in a more human-readable format:
(compare-vocabulary) $ column -t < carroll_vs_shakespeare.tsv
data/carroll:lemma data/carroll:pos data/carroll:frequency data/shakespeare:lemma data/shakespeare:pos data/shakespeare:frequency
, PUNCT 110 , PUNCT 69
the DET 89 and CONJ 31
and CONJ 61 the DET 27
be VERB 52 I PRON 24
- PUNCT 50 of ADP 18
"""" PUNCT 40 . PUNCT 18
. PUNCT 35 in ADP 16
you PRON 33 be VERB 16
! PUNCT 28 ; PUNCT 14
` PUNCT 27 thou PRON 12
' PUNCT 26 's PART 10
I PRON 24 - PUNCT 10
he PRON 23 shall AUX 9
say VERB 23 with ADP 8
a DET 21 to ADP 8
to PART 20 : PUNCT 8
have VERB 20 love NOUN 8
of ADP 19 sonnet NOUN 7
they PRON 19 not PART 7
it PRON 17 this DET 7
do VERB 15 more ADV 7
we PRON 15 he DET 7
he DET 14 all DET 7
in ADP 14 to PART 7
; PUNCT 14 a DET 7
: PUNCT 12 by ADP 7
? PUNCT 11 which PRON 7
I DET 11 nor CONJ 6
to ADP 11 when ADV 6
all DET 11 eye NOUN 6
with ADP 10 that DET 6
come VERB 10 I DET 6
but SCONJ 9 have VERB 6
she PRON 9 it PRON 6
Walrus PROPN 9 but SCONJ 5
on ADP 8 time NOUN 5
this DET 8 as SCONJ 5
for ADP 7 if SCONJ 5
give VERB 7 on ADP 5
so ADV 7 or CONJ 5
Carpenter PROPN 7 you PRON 4
you DET 6 these DET 4
very ADV 6 death NOUN 4
youth NOUN 6 from ADP 4
one NUM 6 woe NOUN 4
as ADP 6 can AUX 4
not PART 6 long ADV 4
yet ADV 5 see VERB 4
at ADP 5 she DET 4
that DET 5 than CONJ 3
This is a Python script with a command-line driver for producing an HTML visualization of lemma/parts-of-speech term frequencies across different corpora. In the visualization lemmas are color-coded according to their part-of-speech (POS) tag and their size is scaled relative to their frequency.
(compare-vocabulary) $ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-n TOP_N]
[-l {ara,bul,cat,ces,dan,deu,ell,eng,eus,fas,fin,fra,gle,glg,hin,hun,hye,ind,ita,jpn,kor,kur,lat,lav,lit,mar,nld,nno,pol,por,ron,rus,slk,slv,spa,swe,tha,tur,urd,zho}]
[-t POS [POS ...]] [-k KEY] [-a API_URL]
directories [directories ...]
Visualize term frequency distributions via Rosette API analyses
positional arguments:
directories a list of directories of text files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n TOP_N, --top-n TOP_N
how many lexical items to compare (default: None)
-l {ara,bul,cat,ces,dan,deu,ell,eng,eus,fas,fin,fra,gle,glg,hin,hun,hye,ind,ita,jpn,kor,kur,lat,lav,lit,mar,nld,nno,pol,por,ron,rus,slk,slv,spa,swe,tha,tur,urd,zho}, --language {ara,bul,cat,ces,dan,deu,ell,eng,eus,fas,fin,fra,gle,glg,hin,hun,hye,ind,ita,jpn,kor,kur,lat,lav,lit,mar,nld,nno,pol,por,ron,rus,slk,slv,spa,swe,tha,tur,urd,zho}
ISO 639-2/T three-letter language code (this indicates
which stopwordlist to use) (default: None)
-t POS [POS ...], --pos-tags POS [POS ...]
a white-list of part-of-speech (POS) tags to include
(default: None)
-k KEY, --key KEY Rosette API Key (default: None)
-a API_URL, --api-url API_URL
Alternative Rosette API URL (default:
(compare-vocabulary) $ ./ data/{carroll,shakespeare} -n 100 -t ADJ ADV > carroll_vs_shakespeare.html
You could then view the HTML file carroll_vs_shakespeare.html
in your browser of choice.