
A hierarchical approach of generating MD simulation-ready tiled graphene oxide stacks

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Quick guide

## this workflow requires git. 
## getting started with git: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/getting-started-installing-git

## Inputs to all scripts can be reviewed using the -h option:
python3 ../Scripts/create-tile.py --h

Creating a GO tile with equal epoxy:hydroxyl ratio

## Create a tile 
python3 ../Scripts/create-tile.py --percentvac 10
## Decorate tile
python3 ../Scripts/decorate-tile.py --fresh --percento 30

Creating a GO tile with all functional groups and topo defects

## Create a tile
python3 ../Scripts/create-tile.py --percentvac 20
## Add topo defects 
python3 ../Scripts/add-sw-defects.py --sw 5 --gb 5
## Decorate tile
python3 ../Scripts/decorate-tile.py --infile topo-tile.pdb --aged --percento 20

Stitching tiles together

python3 ../Scripts/stitch.py --infiles file1 file2 file3 file4
## Manually check the geometry for questionable atoms, if they occur remove them
python3 ../Scripts/remove-atoms.py -i 1 2 3 4 5 

Atom typing for OPLS

## Run the atom typing script for use with OPLS
##   **Unfortunately, this script is quite slow for a large number of atoms, feel free to look into 
##     making it faster
python3 ../Scripts/atom-typing.py --infile removed.pdb
## If there are unbound atoms flagged by the typing script, 
## check where they are, and if they should not be present remove them
## Ideally, you would have removed or adjusted these after your manual 
## check of the stitched geometry
python3 ../Scripts/remove-atoms.py -i 1 2 3 4 5
## Re-run typing script until no unbound atoms occur
python3 ../Scripts/atom-typing.py --infile removed.pdb

User manual

Step 1: Create a tile

python3 ../Scripts/create-tile.py
Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--percentvac A positive number or zero The percentage of the vacancy (default is 5 percent). --percentvac 10
--distribution small, medium, large or mixed The size of the hole on the tile (default is mixed). --distribution mixed
--outfile Filename Naming the output of the file (default is tile.pdb) --outfile tile_10.pdb
--xfactor A positive number Number of replicate of the unit cell in x direction (default is 20) --xfactor 25
--yfactor A positive number Number of replicate of the unit cell in y direction (default is 20) --yfactor 25
--keep_hanging_carbon None Keep hanging carbon items, if not specified hanging carbon items will be trimmed N/A
--non_periodic None Each tile only can be used individually and cannot be stitches together directly. N/A

Warning: The actual amount of vacancy of the tile may not be the same as the specified amount of vacancy due to the trimming of the carbons.

Step 2: Add defect

python3 ../Scripts/add-sw-defects.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--infile Filename from last step Filename from last step --infile tile_10.pdb
--array Two positive integers Create a tile with zero vacancy --array 20 20
--sw A positive number or zero Percent of SW defects (default is 0) --sw 5
--gb A positive number or zero Percent of mini-GB defects (default is 0) --gb 4
--exclude_defect_edges None Exclude vacancy edges as sites for topological defects N/A
--outfile Filename Naming the output of the file (default is topo-tile.pdb) --outfile tile_topo.pdb

Warning: If multiple tiles need to be stitched together, this code needs to run even if the percentage of defects in a given tile is zero. This ensures that the tiles are created with the same dimensions.

Step 3: Decorate oxygen

python3 ../Scripts/decorate-tile.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--infile Filename from last step Filename from last step --infile tile_topo.pdb
--percento Positive number or zero Percentage of oxygen (default is 0) --percento 10
--fresh A ratio Decorate with hydroxyl and epoxy groups only in a ratio specified by hydroxyl:epoxy (default is 1:1) --fresh 2:1
--aged 600, 900, 1200 or 2500 Decorate with hydroxyl, epoxy, carboxylic acid, epoxide and non-epoxide ether in a ratio specified by annealing temperature (default is 900). --aged 900
--outfile Filename Naming the output of the file (default is dec-tile.pdb) --outfile tile_dec.pdb
--decorate_edges_first None Decorate defect edges before the basal plane N/A
--bunching A positive number or zero plus a positive number The first number indicates the index of the atom. The second number indicates the diameter of circle in Angstroms that where the oxygen is going to be decorated. --bunching 309 10
--exclude_tile_edges None Exclude tile edges in the decoration process N/A


  1. If multiple tiles need to be stitched together, this code needs to run even if the percentage of oxygen in a given tile is zero. This ensures that the tiles are created with the same dimensions.
  2. Fresh or aged must be specified in the options. Otherwise, no oxygen will be added.
  3. The code may fail when adding higher amount of oxygen (such as 40%). Please try a few times.
  4. For the bunching option, the code cannot produce the correct result when the diameter is too small. Please choose a larger diameter.

Step 4: Stitch

python3 ../Scripts/stich.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--infiles Filenames Filenames that stitch together --infile tile_10.pdb tile_2.pdb tile_5.pdb
--percento Positive number or zero Oxygen content of the product (default is 0) --percento 15
--array Two positive numbers The dimension of array [x,y]. If this flag is not provided, the code will attempt to make a square array given a proper number of tiles have been inputted. --array 3 1
--keep_overlap None Keep overlapping oxygen and carbon (by default these atoms are trimmed) N/A
--add_oxygen_to_sheet_edges None Add oxygen determined from the --percento flag to the sheet edges only (by default is false) N/A
--keep_hanging_carbon None Keep hanging carbon atoms (by default these atoms are trimmed) N/A
--ordered_tiles None Keep the input order of the tiles N/A
--pbc None Keep periodic boundary conditions, otherwise buffer distance of 10 Angstroms is added N/A
--outfile Filename Naming the output of the file (default is stich.pdb) --outfile tile_stitch.pdb


  1. When adding oxygen to the product, the oxygen will be located at the edges first.
  2. The code may fail if you trying to make too great adjustment to the total oxygen contents. For example, an adjustment of 1-2% should be fine.
  3. Manually check the geometry for questionable atoms. If they occur, remove them.

Step 5: Remove atoms

python3 ../Scripts/remove-atoms.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--infile Filename Filename that have atom(s) that need to be removed --infile tile_10.pdb
--i Positive numbers or zero The index of atom(s) that need to be removed --i 7 8 90
--outfile Filename Naming the output of the file (default is removed.pdb) --outfile tile_remove.pdb

Warning: This step can be done after conducting any step above. It does not have to be at the last step.

Step 6: Atom typing

python3 ../Scripts/atom-typing.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--infile Filename Name of the input file --infile tile_10.pdb
--outfile Filename Name the output of the file (default is typed.pdb) --outfile tile_atom.pdb
--pbc None Default to ignoring periodic boundary condition. Only required when a single tile is made to be used. Buffer distance is 10 Angstroms for pbc. N/A

Warning: Some warning could appear especially for the stitched sheet. It is better to check possible problem atoms in the visualization software.

Optional routines:


python3 ../Scripts/create-rupture.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--size A positive number Number of replicate of the unit cell in both x and y direction (default is 20) --size 40
--outfile Filename Name the output of the file (default is rupture.pdb) --outfile tile_rup.pdb
--atoms Positive number or zero Number of oxygen in the product (default is 4). --atoms 6


  1. The generated tile has zero vacancy.
  2. If you want to decorate oxygen using the rupture tile from this code, it could produce wrong structure when adding a higher amount of oxygen (such as 35%).

Trim hanging carbons

python3 ../Scripts/trim-hanging-Cs.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
--infile Filename Name of the input file --infile tile.pdb
--outfile Filename Name of the output file --outfile tile_rup.pdb
--atoms Positive number or zero Number of atoms need to be removed --atoms 6
--orthogonalize None Change the periodic boundary to orthogonal N/A
  1. The number of atoms need to be provided otherwise the code cannot work appropriately.
  2. There is a default number of atoms to be removed from a structure. If the number of the atoms is below that number, the default number will be applied. Otherwise the provided number will be applied (the actual number of atoms removed could be slightly different to the provided number due to the intrinsic structure)

Translate pdb file according by a given vector

python3 ../Scripts/move_pdb_by_vector.py

Option names Input value Meaning Example
-h or -help None Show the help message N/A
-i Filename Name of the input file -i repture.pdb
-out Filename Name of the output file -out tile_mv.pdb
-vector A vector Move the pdb file based on the vector -vector [10,7,9]

Warning: The cell must be orthogonal.

Directory layout

Directory          Description
HoleLibrary/       Current library of .xyz holes
Scripts/           All scripts