Simple REST API built on top of spray Template Project


This projects provides a starting point for your own microservice with spray including following libraries and frameworks

  • subcut
  • cashbah, salat
  • spray
  • specs2
  • akka test kit

Data base

  • mongoDB

Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Git-clone this repository.

     $ git clone my-project
  2. Change directory into your clone:

     $ cd my-project
  3. Launch SBT:

     $ ./sbt
  4. Compile everything and run all tests:

     > test
  5. Start the application:

     > re-start
  6. Browse to http://localhost:8080

  7. Stop the application:

     > re-stop
  8. Start hacking com.boot.ApiService

Initial data provided in /data folder

  • to seed you mongo with intial data just run following script


Building fat jar
> assembly

Post man collection is also provided under doc folder