
A cli utility to manage dependencies in an environment that can't use a build system

Primary LanguageJava

Jar Manager Command-Line Utility

This command-line utility provides functionality to manage JAR files and generate various files related to them.


jarmanager [command] [options] [arguments]


1. Generate POM Entries

jarmanager generate-pom [options] <folder_path> <output_file_path>
  • <folder_path>: Path to the folder containing the JAR files.
  • <output_file_path>: Path to the output XML file that will contain the POM entries.


  • --config <config_file_path>: Specify the path to the configuration file (optional).
  • --generate-artifact-list: Generate an additional text file with the groupId:artifactName:version for all the JARs ( optional).
  • --email-friendly-format: When used in conjunction with --generate-artifact-list, entries in the additional text file are formatted in a more readable, email-friendly manner. This format includes details such as group ID, artifact ID, version, and a URL to the artifact. Each entry is separated by a separator to enhance clarity when viewed in an email (optional).


  • Source JARs are not included in the POM entries. If there is source JAR is present in the folder, a warning will be displayed. and it will be skipped.
  • If there are JARs with no pom information, a warning will be displayed per JAR, and the jar will be skipped.

2. Download JARs

jarmanager download [options] <input_file_path> <target_folder_path>
  • <input_file_path>: Path to the file containing the groupId:artifactName:version entries.
  • <target_folder_path>: Path to the target folder where the downloaded JARs will be saved.


  • --config <config_file_path>: Specify the path to the configuration file (optional).
  • --source-folder: <source_folder_path>: Specify the target folder path for downloading source JARs (optional).
  • --update-different-only: Only replace the JARs that have a different version (optional).
  • --changes-file <changes_file_path>: Specify the path to the changes text file that will be appended with the changes (optional).
  • --use-remote-name : Use the remote file name for the downloaded file (optional).

3. Generate User Libraries XML

jarmanager generate-userlibs [options] <output_file_path>
  • <output_file_path>: Path to the output XML file that will contain the user libraries entries.


  • --config <config_file_path>: Specify the path to the configuration file (optional).
  • --download: Download missing JARs (optional). --dont-overwrite: Don't overwrite existing JARs during download (only applicable if --download is set) (optional). --shared-libs <shared_libs_file_path>: Path to the text file listing shared libraries (see format below) (optional).

Shared Libraries File Format:


Configuration File

All commands accept an optional --config flag to specify the path to a configuration file. The configuration file can contain default values for various options and paths.

Example Configuration File:


Example Usage:

  1. Generate POM entries for JARs in a folder, and also generate an artifact list:
jarmanager generate-pom /path/to/jar/folder /path/to/output/file.xml --generate-artifact-list
  1. Generate POM entries for JARs in a folder, and also generate an email-friendly artifact list:
jarmanager generate-pom /path/to/jar/folder /path/to/output/file.xml --generate-artifact-list --email-friendly-format
  1. Download JARs listed in a file:
jarmanager download /path/to/input/file.txt /path/to/target/folder --source-folder /path/to/source/folder --update-different-only --changes-file /path/to/changes/file.txt
  1. Generate user libraries XML:
jarmanager generate-userlibs /path/to/output/userlibs.xml --download --dont-overwrite --shared-libs /path/to/shared/libs/file.txt