
A Sinatra app to view/manage beanstalkd queues that can be embedded in a Rails app similar to what's available in Resque

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Beanstalkd View

A Sinatra app to view/manage beanstalkd queues that can be embedded in a Rails app similar to what's available in Resque.


To use in a Rails app, include the gem in your Gemfile:

gem 'beanstalk-client', :git => 'https://github.com/kr/beanstalk-client-ruby.git' #Use the latest, if you need the pause-tube command
gem beanstalkd_view

Otherwise, gem install beanstalkd_view

Use the following environment variable to specify the location of the beanstalk server:

ENV['BEANSTALK_URL'] = 'beanstalk://localhost/'

(This can be a comma separated list.)

Embedding in a Rails app

Add the following to your routes.rb file:

mount BeanstalkdView::Server, :at => "/beanstalkd"

(NOTE: You may mount the server at any path, not just /beanstalkd)

You can then browse to your application path to view information about your beanstalkd tubes, i.e.

If you wish to authenticate the mounted app with Devise, it would look something like:

devise_for :admin_users, ActiveAdmin::Devise.config

match('/beanstalkd/admin/login' => redirect('/admin/login'))
authenticate :admin_user do
  mount BeanstalkdView::Server, at: "/beanstalkd"

Running from the command line

Run the beanstalkd_view executable, e.g.


or from a Rails app:

bundle exec beanstalkd_view

(This will use the vegas gem to launch the Sinatra app on an available port.)




beanstalkd_view is released under the MIT license:

It makes use of the following components also using the MIT license:

And under the Apache license: