
Guidance for moving data and analytics to the Cloud

Moving data and workloads from on-premises to the Cloud for more agile analytics

The main part of the lab starts here


This project provides a reference implementation for moving data from on-premises relational database(s) into a Cloud Managed Database Service (dashDB) so that the data can be analyzed quickly, easily, and without the need to setup any new hardware or request resources from the IT department. In this example, the on-premises databases are in two different RDBMS'es to emulate two different organizations. However, you could use a similar pattern and set of steps to copy from a single database into the cloud as well.

In this case, one organization is using IBM's PureData System for Analytics (Netezza) and the other Db2 on Linux for their data warehouses. The data from these systems will be pushed into dashDB in the cloud so that it can be combined and analyzed as a single entity.

We will provide two mechanisms for moving the data from on-premises to the cloud, Bluemix Data Connect and Lift CLI, so that you can choose the method based on who you are demoing to. Data Connect is a cleaner, easier solution for one time moves, and best used when demoing to Business Users (LOB managers and executives). Lift CLI is how we would productionalize the initial and delta data load process, and best used when demoing to IT.

Loading data using IBM Data Connect


Loading data using IBM Bluemix Lift CLI



Consider the following scenario: You are talking to the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) at "K Bank".

In this lab we used the scenario/narrative below, but here is a video of one of IBM's Technical Sales Interns presenting the same solution with a couple other ways to look at the data once it is combined to show that this use case can open up so many new opportunities.

Lab Narrative

Hi Ms. Smith, I know that "K Bank" just bought "N Bank". I just came from a meeting on how you plan to integrate the two companies’ systems and it is going to take quite a while. I would think that many people, and you in particular, can’t wait for a year or more for the integrated data to start reaching out to your customers.

I know that "K Bank" has been doing churn analytics for some time, but the team at "N Bank" has not. "K Bank" has found that customer loss (churn) is directly related to the customer's satisfaction level. This is kind of obvious, so it would be interesting to see how these churn prediction models could be used to look at "N Bank" customers and identify who might be at risk of leaving. Since "K Bank" just spent a lot of money to acquire "N Bank", you do not want to lose any customers if you can help it.

IBM can help you combine the data from both banks now, so that you can get access to this combined data within days, without putting any load on your IT staff who is already overloaded with the consolidation. We can use IBM's fully managed cloud services to copy data from your current on-premises systems in each bank into a cloud data warehouse and give you a single view of your customers across both banks.

Once you have that data at your fingertips, you can explore the data and discover how satisfied your customers are, within each Bank and across both Banks. You can also identify which customers are leaving the bank and which ones you should strive to retain.

We can quickly show you how to create a dashboard to showcase your findings, use it to tell a story of what you discovered and the actions you might want to take base on this analysis.

Solution Overview

The solution is a set of Business Inteligence (BI) tools that allow Business Users to get quick but important insights from the data. In order to gain this insight the data from both bank systems need to be moved from their data centers into a common repository. Because IT cannot support creating and managing a new system and moving the data, the new, common repository needs to be hosted as a managed cloud service. The BI tools will then be connected to this new repository and the existing analytical reports will be run.

Solution Components and Services

There are a few components of this solution. We used a VM to emulate the on-premises systems, PureData System for Analytics (Netezza) and Db2. Both of these systems are commonly used by financial firms due to the performance and security they provide - not only for data at rest, but also data as it is being queried.

We chose dashDB for Analytics (to be renamed Db2 Warehouse on Cloud as of ~July 18th) as the combined repository since it is a fully managed service in the cloud that can be expanded easily, needs no administration, and has built-in encryption and security. Note - dashDB is ISO 27001, SOC 2, SOC 3 and HIPAA certified.

Data Connect uses the Secure Gateway to encrypt the data on the wire and Lift uses Aspera to transfer the data using very high levels of compression as well as automatic encryption.

Cognos Analytics is a modern, self-service Business Intelligence Platform that provides a sleek and intuitive user experience. Cognos Analytics provides the ability to empower everyone in the organization to find insight from their data to positively impact their decision making.


You will need the following:

  • VMware

    • VMware Player or VMware Workstation for Windows
    • VMware Fusion (Full or 30 day trial) for OSX
  • The Virtual Machine (VM) for the lab

    • Download the VMware Image


      The image download is 11 GB -- make sure you have a reliable high speed network to download this file! When unzipped the VMware image will consume 20GB of local disk (and up to 20GB temp space), and 3GB RAM. Users with limited RAM (8GB) will want to shut down as many applications as possible prior to launching VMware.

  • A Bluemix account

  • A provisioned Data Connect Starter service in Bluemix

  • A provisioned dashDB for Analytics (Db2 Warehouse on Cloud as of ~July 18) Entry service in Bluemix

  • dashDB access credentials

  • A Cognos Anlaytics Trial


If you need help with any of the prerequisites, go to the Prerequisite Step by Step Directions page

Move the Data to the Cloud

Step 1: Create the Cloud Data Analytics Lab Services

  1. Select the Catalog menu at the top of the Bluemix home page.

  1. Enter "data connect" (without quotes) in the catalog search area to find the service faster than scrolling.

  2. Click on the “Data Connect” service.

  1. Enter "CDA Data Connect” (without quotes) for the Service name. (We are using CDA as the short form for Cloud-Data-Analytics).

  2. Enter “CDA Data Connect” (without quotes) for the Credential name.

  3. Click on the the "Create" button. The service will be created and the launch page is displayed.

  1. Select the Manage menu of the CDA Data Connect service on the left.

  2. Select the LAUNCH button to launch the Data Connect service.

  1. Select the X in the top right corner of the Welcome dialog to close it.

  2. Select the Secure Gateway menu from the Data Connect main menu on the left hand side.

  1. Select the Add Gateway button next to the moving arrow to add a gateway.

  1. Enter a gateway name of Cloud-Data-Analytics.

  2. Uncheck the "Require security token to connect clients" check box.

  3. Uncheck the "Token Expiration" check box.

  4. Select the Add Gateway button.

  1. Select the Settings button (the gear icon) at the top of the page to view the Gateway settings.

  2. Select the gateway ID, Copy and save it - you will need it later.

Note -

This is a very important step because you are going to need this Gateway ID further on in the pre-work to supply to the Secure Gateway client configuration file that is installed on the VM image. Remember this ID or save it off so you can easily get back to it when it's needed.

  1. Select the X in the top right corner of the settings dialog to close the dialog.

  1. Close down the Data Connect service browser tab by selecting the X on the browser tab.

Go Back to your Bluemix Account for the next steps.

  1. Select the "Catalog" menu at the top of the Bluemix home page.

  1. Enter "dashdb" (without quotes) in the catalog search area.

  2. Click on the “dashDB for Analytics” service.

  1. Enter "CDA dashDB” (without quotes) for the Service name.

  2. Select the the "Create" button. The service will be created and the launch page is displayed.

  1. Click On the "CDA dashDB" service you just created from the list of services.

Step 2: Create the dashDB Credentials

  1. Select the "Service credentials” section of the "CDA dashDB" service launch page.

  2. Select the the "New credential +" button.

  1. Enter "CDA dashDB” (without quotes) for the credential name.

  2. Select the the "Add" button. The service credential will be created.

  1. Select the "View credentials" down arrow to view the newly created credentials.

**Note - **

These are the "CDA dashDB" service credentials you will need to access the dashDB service later when moving the data to the cloud. Copy all of this to the same place you saved the Data Connect Gateway ID you saved earlier. I have redacted my password to protect my identity. Yours will be visible.

  1. Select the Manage menu of the CDA dashDB service on the left.
  2. Select the OPEN button on the top right or under the "Where to Start" section at the bottom of the page to open the dashDB console.

  1. Select the Run SQL menu from the left hand side of the console.

  1. Select all the sample SQL in the SQL scratch pad area and delete it.

  1. Copy and Paste the dashDB target table DDL from the Bank Customers DDL File.

  2. Select the Run All button on the toolbar.

  1. Review the results. It should complete successfully.

  2. Select the Tables menu from the left hand side of the console.

  1. Select the BANK_CUSTOMERS table from the tables drop down list box.

You will see the schema for the new table. The table is empty. You will be moving data from on-premises to this table in the move data to cloud exercises later on in this lab using Data Connect and optionally the Bluxemix Lift CLI.

Work on the "On-Premises" Systems


We use a VM with a running Db2 and PureData System for Analytics (Netezza) solution in it. In reality these would likely be 2 separate systems, in different data centers, but this still represents that environment in a realistic manner.

Step 3: Work with the VM


  1. Unzip the VM Image

  2. Power On the Virtual Machine

  3. Login to the Virtual Machine

  4. Update the Lift Properties File

  5. Update the Secure Gateway ID

On Windows

Locate the Cloud Data Analytics.zip VMWare Image zip file that you downloaded to your system in the Prework section.

On Windows

Unzip the Cloud Data Analytics.zip file using your favorite program of choice; 7 Zip, WinZip etc. It will create a Cloud Data Analytics folder in the location you choose to put it.

On Mac OSX

Locate the Cloud Data Analytics.zip VMWare Image zip file that you downloaded to your system in the Prework section.

Unzip the Cloud Data Analytics.zip file by simply Double Clicking the file or by selecting it, right mouse clicking and choosing to open it or open it using the Archive Utility. It will create a Cloud Data Analytics folder in the same location where the zip file resides and extract all the files into that folder.

On Windows

VMWare Workstation

Open the VMWare Workstation or VMWare Workstation Player application (you can use either or to open the VM).

  1. Select the File menu from the toolbar.

  2. Select the Open menu item.

  1. Go to the location on your file system where you unzipped the VM Image.

  2. Select the NetezzaSoftwareEmulator.vmx file.

  3. Select the Open button.

  1. Select the "Power on this virtual machine" button to Power on the Virtual Machine.

VMWare Player

  1. Select the Player menu on the toolbar.

  2. Select the File menu item.

  3. Select the Open menu item.

  1. Go to the location on your file system where you unzipped the VM Image.

  2. Select the NetezzaSoftwareEmulator.vmx file.

  3. Select the Open button.

  1. Select the Take Ownership button when prompted.
  1. Select the "Play Virtual Machine" button to Power on the virtual machine.

On Mac OSX

Open the VMWare Fusion application (VMWare Player is not available for Mac OSX).

  1. Select the File menu from the toolbar.

  2. Select the Open menu item.

  1. Select the NetezzaSoftwareEmulator.vmx file from within the Cloud Data Analyitcs VM Image folder.
  1. Select the Play button to Power on the virtual machine.
  1. Select the I Moved It button so that the system maintains the configuration as we defined it.

When you start working in the VM, your keyboard and mouse will be connected to the VM. You cannot just move the mouse outside the VM window to work on other applications. To release the mouse and keyboard from the VM,

On Windows hit CTL+ALT

On Mac OSX hit control+command

Virtual Machine Credentials

The credentials (userid / password) for this Virtual Machine (VM) are as follows:

  • Root = root / netezza

  • Netezza User = nz / nz – You will use these credentials to log into the VM

  • Netezza Admin = admin / password – You will use these credentials for your Lift data migration

NON US Keyboard Only --- Step 3a: Set the Keyboard

OPTIONAL For a non "US English keyboard" you way want to switch to a local keyboard to make the work easier.

For France for example - where the keyboard is AZERTY.

  1. If logged in, then logout

  2. login as root: root/netezza

  3. run: loadkeys fr

  4. logout

Login to the Virtual Machine

  1. Enter a lowercase login id of nz and a password of nz. The Virtual Machine’s IP Address is displayed. Record this IP Address for use later on.
  1. Enter the command cd $DATA.
  1. Enter the command ls -la.
  1. Enter the command vi lift.pf to edit the Lift properties file.

Note -

The content in the lift.pf properties file is case sensitive. Make sure that when you change values noted below that you keep the values in lowercase or Uppercase. For instance, the target-user is in lowercase but the target-schema is in Uppercase. Keep them in the same case when doing changes.

  1. Change the target-user, target-password , target-host and target-schema to your dashDB user, password, host and schema (your schema is the same as your user but in Uppercase...) using the credentials from your dashDB for Analytics service Credentials section you obtained in a previous section.

Note -

While in the vi editor you can use the arrow keys to move to the character that you want to change and press R to overwrite the character at the cursor location, continue typing with your edits and hit ESC when done to return to command mode.

  1. When finished, hit ESC, hold SHIFT and type ZZ to save and close the file.
  1. Enter a command of cd /etc/ibm.
  1. Enter a command of ls.

  2. Enter a command of vi sgenvironment.conf.

Note - The GATEWAY_ID you will be changing is case sensitve so make sure you type it in exactly as it appears.

  1. Change the GATEWAY_ID, to GATEWAY_ID="<your_gateway_id>". This is your Data Connect service Secure Gateway ID that you were instructed to copy to the clipboard and save off.

  2. When finished, hold SHIFT and type ZZ to save and close the file.

  1. Enter the command reboot to recycle the VM image. This will ensure that the Secure Gateway Client restarts and that it picks up your Gateway ID to communicate with your Data Connect service in the cloud.
  1. Enter a lowercase login id of nz and a password of nz to log back into the VM image.
  1. Enter the command cd $DATA to position yourself in the Lift CLI data directory.

Step 5: Move Data to the Cloud using Data Connect


  1. Launch the Data Connect service
  2. Validate the Secure Gateway Client is Connected
  3. Create the Source and Target Connections
  4. Create the Data Movement Activity
  5. Run the Data Movement Activity
  6. Validate the Data Movement Results

Open a browser, go to bluemix.net, and log in. You will see the Welcome screen that looks like

Scroll down the screen until you see the list of all of your services, like shown below.

  1. Click on the CDA Data Connect service from your Bluemix Account services area.
  1. Select the LAUNCH button to launch the Data Connect service. It will open up in a new tab in your browser.
  1. If you get the Welcome screen, Select the X in the top right corner of the Data Connect Welcome dialog to close the dialog.

  2. Select the Secure Gateway menu from the Data Connect main menu on the left hand side.

You should see that your Secure Gateway client is connected in the Secure Gateway client section as depicted above. There should also be a green client connection icon in the top right hand corner signifying that client(s) are connected and ready for work.


If your Secure Gateway section does not look like the screen shot above - then your Secure Gateway client in the VM Image may not have the correct Gateway ID to communicate with your Data Connnect Secure Gateway. If that is the case, go back to the Create the Cloud Data Analytics lab services section of this lab where you were instructed to configure the Secure Gateway client and make sure the Gateway ID is equal to the Gateway ID of your Secure Gateway.

When everything is green, and you see that your Secure Gateway client is connected, proceed.

  1. Select the Data Connect title in the top left corner of the service to go to the home page.

In this step, you will create three Data Connect connections:

  1. dashDB for Analytics - This is your target data source where you will move the Db2 and PDA on-premises data to

  2. PureData for Analytics - This is the on-premises PDA database in the VM that contains K Bank's Customer data

  3. Db2 - This is the on-premises Db2 database in the VM that contains N Banks's Customer data

  1. Select the Connections link in the middle of the Data Connect home page to begin creating connections.

Create the dashDB for Analytics Connection

  1. Select the IBM dashDB connector from the list of connection types.
  1. Enter a connect name of CDA DASHDB.

  2. Enter a description of CDA dashDB Database.

  3. Enter the host name from your dashDB service credentials.

  4. Enter a Database name of BLUDB - All dashDB plans use a database name of BLUDB.

  5. Enter the username from your dashDB service credentials.

  6. Enter the password from your dashDB service credentials.

  7. Select the Create Connection button.

Create the Db2 Connection

  1. Select the Create New button in the top right corner.
  1. Select the IBM DB2 connection from the list of connection types.
  1. Enter a connect name of CDA DB2.

  2. Enter a description of CDA DB2 Database.

  3. Enter the IP Address of your VM Image as the host name.

  4. Enter a port of 50000.

  5. Enter a Database of SAMPLE.

  6. Select the Cloud-Data-Analytics secure gateway from the list. There should only be one.

  7. Enter a username of db2inst1.

  8. Enter a password of db2inst1.

  9. Select the Create Connection button.

Create the PureData for Analytics Connection

  1. Select the Create New button in the top right corner.
  1. Select the IBM PureData for Analytics connecter from the list of connection types.
  1. Enter a connect name of CDA PDA.

  2. Enter a description of CDA PureData for Analytics Database.

  3. Enter the IP Address of your VM Image as the host name.

  4. Enter a port of 5480.

  5. Enter a Database of BIDAY3.

  6. Select your Cloud-Data-Analytics secure gateway from the list. There should only be one.

  7. Enter a username of admin.

  8. Enter a password of password.

  9. Select the Create Connection button.

Now that you have all the connections created, you will create a Data Connect Activity which will read the K Bank Customers from PDA on-premises and the N Bank Customers from Db2 on-premises, combine the customers from both banks using a union, sort the data by Customer and then move the data to dashDB on the cloud.

  1. Select the Refine and Copy menu item from the Data Connect main menu on the left.
  1. Select the Connections category.

  2. Select the CDA DB2 connection from the list of connections.

  3. Select the DB2INST1 schema from the list of schemas.

  4. Click the check box beside the NBANK_CUSTOMERS table in the list of tables.

  1. Select the CDA PDA connection from the list of connections.

  2. Select the ENABLEMENT schema from the list of schemas.

  3. Click the check box beside the KBANK_CUSTOMERS table in the list of tables.

  1. Select the edit icon (the pencil) next to the default "Untitled 1" activity name.
  1. Enter an activty name of CDA Move to Cloud.

  2. Select the Save button next to the name.

  1. Select the Refine Data button to go into the Data Connect shaper.
  1. Select the Organize category from the Operations side bar section on the right hand side.

  2. Select the Union operation.

  1. Select the check box next to the KBANK_CUSTOMERS table as the table to union.

  2. Select the Apply button**.

  1. Hover over the customer column and then Select the three dots the right corner of the Customer column and then Select the Sort Ascending menu item.
  1. Select the Next button in the top right corner.
  1. Select the CDA DASHDB connection from the list of connections.

  2. Select the DASH#### schema (your dashDB schema) from the list of schemas.

  3. Select the Replace the table contents radio button from the list of table actions.

Note -

This is an important step so make sure you select the correct table action. You want to replace the entire table contents.

  1. Select the edit icon next to the NBANK_CUSTOMERS target table name to change the target table name.
  1. Enter a target table name of BANK_CUSTOMERS for the target table name.

  2. Select the green check mark next to the new target table name to save the name change. Your new target table name should now be BANK_CUSTOMERS.

  1. Select the Run button in the top right corner of the shaper.
  1. Select the X on the "Your activity is running" message to close the message.

  2. Select the View Activities Status link to bring up the activity monitor.

  1. Select the Refresh button on the activity status monitor to update the status.

Keep hitting the Refresh button until you see a status of Copied to and 100% completed.

  1. Select the Copied to link in the status monitor for the activity to view the activity log.

You should see that the number of Records Moved is equal to 11,022 rows.

  1. Select the X in the top right corner of the activity log dialog to close the activity log dialog.
  1. Select the X in the top right cornder of the activity status monitor to close the monitor.

  2. Select the three dots on the top right of the CDA Move to Cloud activity.

  3. Select the Details option to view the activity details.

  1. Select the View data link in the OUTPUTS section of the activity detail.
  1. Scroll to the right to view all the columns.

  2. Scroll down to view the 100 row sample set provided.

  3. Select the X in the top right corner of the View data dialog to close the dialog.

Congratulations! You have successfully moved data to the cloud using Data Connect.


If you want to try to move the data again using the Lift CLI, go to Lift4Move.md

Analyze the Data

Step 1: Setup Cognos

Click Here to Go to Cognos Analytics on Cloud

  1. Select the Sign In button in the top right corner.

  1. Enter your IBM Account.

Note - Cognos Analytics on Cloud checks if the IBM account entered is associated with an IBM w3ID. If you are an IBM employee with a w3ID, complete the login process using section Authenticate uisng your IBM w3ID. Otherwise, continue with step 3 and 4 below.

** Using Safari on Mac OSX we have had some people have their w3ID signon continue to loop.
The development team is working this. If you encounter this the easiest solution is to try a different browser, such as Firefox **

  1. Enter your IBM Account password.

  2. Select the Log in button.

You are brought to the Cognos Analytics on Cloud home page.

  1. Select the Continue button to gain access to IBM Cognos Analytics on Cloud using your IBM w3ID.
  1. Enter your w3ID and password

  2. Select the Sign In button.

  1. Check or Uncheck the checkbox depending your choice of being informed of IBM products....

  2. Select the Continue button.

You are brought to the Cognos Analytics on Cloud home page.

Create a Data server connection

Before you bein, Go Back to your Bluemix account. Click on your dashDB service from the service dashboard and go to your dashDB service credentials section that you created in the PreWork section.

You will need the jdbcurl, username and password from the credentials section of the service to complete the creation of your data server connection in the following steps. Leave this open in your browser so you can copy and paste from it to complete the creation of the data server connection section.

Go Back to the Cogons Analytics on Cloud application in your browser.

  1. Select the Manage button on the bottom left side of the home page.

  2. Select the Data server connections menu item to create a new data server connection.

  1. Select the + plus sign to create a new connection.

  2. Select a type of dashDB.

Note - A Data Server connection name has to be unique across the Cognos Analytics for Cloud shared environment. Therefore, you will use your dashDB username from your dashDB service credentials plus "Bank Customers" to make the name unique. For instance, my Data Server connection name will be dash13919 Bank Customers.

  1. Select the edit icon that looks like a pencil next to the "New data server connection" name. Enter a name of dash13919 Bank Customers (your dashDB username of your dashDB service + Bank Customers) and click outside the edit area to save the name.

  2. Copy and Paste the jdbcurl from your dashDB service credentials section into the data connection JDBC URL text box.

Your JDBC URL will look like this: jdbc:db2://dashdb-entry-yp-dal09-08.services.dal.bluemix.net:50000/BLUDB

  1. Select the Use the following signon radio button.

  2. Select the + plus sign right next to the drow down list box of signons.

  1. Enter or Copy & Paste your dashDB username from your dashDB credentials into the User ID field.

  2. Enter or Copy & Paste your dashDB password from your dashDB credentials into the Password field.

  3. Enter or Copy & Paste your dashDB password from your dashDB credentials into the Confirm Password field.

  4. Select the Test button to test the connection.

The Test should succeeed and you will see a Success status with a green check mark next to it. If not, go back and double check your JDBC URL, User ID and password and make sure you entered then correctly and retry the test.

  1. Select the Save button to save your dashDB data connection.

Now you will select the database schema that you will use in this exercise.

  1. Select the Schemas tab of your dashXXXXX Bank Customers data server connection.

  2. Click on the ellipse ... on the schema that is associated to your dashDB username.

  3. Select the Load metadata menu item.

When the schema is successfully loaded, the status column next to the schema name will have a green check mark.

Create a Data Module

With Cognos Analytics, users are not restricted to only using existing enterprise data sources. Users can blend personal data or external data with enterprise data to gain deeper insight. Users can connect to enterprise data directly, or they can import other data sets from from files or other data sources into Cognos Analytics. These data sources can be blended, cleansed and joined together to create a reusable Data Module for use in dashboards and reports, and or shared with other users in the organization. Although this lab has only one data source, we will still create a data module.

  1. Select the New menu from Navigation Bar on the left side

  2. Select the Data module menu item.

  1. Select the Data servers menu from Navigation Bar on the left side

  2. Select your dashXXXXX Bank Customers data server. You will see the schema you created earlier.

  1. Select the Schema associated with your dashDB service username. For instance, mine is DASH13919.

  2. Select the Start button.

Data Modeling

Once a data source is selected, users can enter their desired search term(s) and click on Go to look for tables with data related to that search term. Cognos Analytics will analyze the data source and present table(s) that have some relation to the term you entered that you can add to your data module. Since we want to look into our Bank customers to analyze satisfaction and churn data,

  1. In the intent panel, type Customers.

  2. Select the Go button.

While we show multiple tables here, you should only see a single table, named Bank Customers.

  1. Select the Bank Customers table.

  2. Select the Add this proposal button.

Your data module should look like the screen shot above.

  1. Select the Save button on the top left corner of the toolbar (looks like a disk).
  1. Select the My Content folder.

  2. Enter a module name of Bank Customers Module.

  3. Select the Save button.

  1. Expand the Bank Customers table in the Data Module View to see all the columns.

You have told us that your Data Scientists have found some interesting correlations between the number of late payments a customer has had in the past and their propensity to churn. Because this has been identified as an interesting factor for further analysis, we will divide the data into groups based on how many late payments they have had.

  1. Select the ellipse ... on the Number of Late Payments column to view the column menu items.

  2. Select the Create custom groups menu item.

We can see that Cognos Analytics suggests creating an equal distribution of the late payment values into 10 groups distributed evenly. However, we will create 3 groups based on the findings of the Data Scientists.

  1. Change the Group name to Group Late Payments.

  2. Change the How many groups? number from 10 to 3.

  3. Select the Custom distribution radio button.

  4. Change the lowest value to 1

  5. Change the middle value to 21

  6. Change the highest value to 3000

  7. Select the Create button.

The data scientists have also observed a correlation between the number of credit applications a customer has submitted and their tendency to churn. So we will also create a another Custom group for the number of credit applications.

  1. Select the ellipse ... on the Number of Credit Applications column to view the column menu items.
  2. Select the Create custom groups menu item.
  1. Change the Group name to Group Credit Applications.

  2. Change the How many groups? number from 10 to 3.

  3. Select the Custom distribution radio button.

  4. Change the lowest value to 5

  5. Change the middle value to 26

  6. Change the highest value to 3000

  7. Select the Create button.

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar to save the data module.
  1. Go to the top of the Cognos Analytics user interface and Click on the navigation drop down arrow.

  2. Select the - minus sign next to the Bank Customers Module entry to close the module.

  1. Select the My Content menu from the left side main menu.

  2. Select the ellipse ... in the right corner of the Bank Customers Module.

  3. Select the Open menu item.

Create Navigation Group

Navigation groups allow drill downs that align with how users want or need to analyze their business. In this case the Bankid column identifies whether the data is from "K Bank" or "N Bank".

  1. Select the arrow next to the Bank Customers table to see the list of columns.
  1. Scroll down the list of columns to the Bankid column.

  2. Select the ellipse ... on the Bankid column to view the column menu items.

  3. Select the Create navigation group menu item.

In our Analysis we want to look at information by Originating Bank, churn, customer type, branch location and customer.

  1. Rename the Navigation Group to Bank Churn.

  2. Drag and Drop the Churn column below Bankid.

  3. Drag and Drop the Customer Type column below Churn.

  4. Drag and Drop the Home Branch State column below Customer Type.

  5. Drag and Drop the Customer column below Home Branch State.

  6. Select the Apply button.

  7. Select the Save button in the top left corner of the toolbar to save the data module.

Step 2: Getting Insight

  1. Go to the top of the Cognos Analytics user interface and Click on the navigation drop down arrow.

  2. Select the Welcome entry to go back to the Welcome page.

  1. Go to the bottom left portion of the Welcome page and Select the + New menu.

  2. Select the Dashboard menu item to create a new dashboard.

The Template window then appears, allowing you to select the type of dashboard and the template style.

  1. Select the Tabbed template.

  2. Select the Tabbed layout on the bottom row with 3 small panels on the top, and 2 full width panels below.

  3. Select the OK button.

Each panel on the template acts as a placeholder for dashboard objects, known as widgets. Templates are device aware and will auto-size to the screen of the device being used. As we build the dashboard, we will reference the location placement for widgets we create in the dashboard template using the panel numbers as designated and displayed above.

  1. Select the + plus sign next to Selected Sources to choose a source.

  2. Select the My Content folder.

  3. Select the Bank Customers Module as the source.

  4. Select the Open button.

Designing a Dashboard

Since this is the first dashboard we are creating you can see in the image above that the default name is Tab1.

  1. Click on the Tab 1 name. A menu will appear.

  2. Select the Edit menu item that looks like a pencil.

  1. Enter a name of Customer Satisfaction and then click outside the name are to save the name.
  1. Select the triangle next to the Bank Customers table name to view the list of columns.

  2. Select the Satisfaction column and Drag and Drop it into Panel 1.

Remember the panel layout fro above. Panel 1 is the panel in the top lef corner of the template.

  1. Resize the Satisfaction number to span the entire panel by using the sizing controls.

Here we can see the average satifaction rating for our customers is 3.39 out of 5.

Next we want to look at satisfaction by customer type.

  1. Select the Satisfaction column

  2. Control-Click on Windows or Command-Click on the Mac and Select the Customer type column

  3. Drag and Drop the two columns to Panel 2 on the dashboard.

  1. Resize the Customer Type-Satisfaction graph to span across panel 1 and 2 by using the sizing controls.

Cognos Analytics gives a visualization to start based on the data types and number of values of the columns selected, but you can change these visualizations by selecting the Change Visualization icon. That will show the visualizations that best suit the data types of the columns inside the visualization. You can always select More if you do not see a format you like. You can click anywhere else in the dashboard to close this window.

  1. Select the Save button on the toolbar to save the dashboard.
  1. Select the My Content folder.

  2. Enter a dashboard name of Bank Customer Analysis.

  3. Select the Save button.

Note - If the data source panel is not open, from the Navigation panel on the left side of the screen, select sources to open the data source panel and select the Bank Customers Module we were working with.

  1. Click on the triangle next to Navigation paths to expand it.

  2. Click on the triangle next to the Bank Churn navigation path to expand it.

  3. Click on the triangle next to Bank Customers to expand it.

  1. From the Bank Churn navigation path, Select the Bankid column.

  2. Ctrl-Click or Command-Click and Select the Satisfaction column under the Bank Customers Module

  3. Drag and Drop these items to Panel 4 (the panel in the middle of the template).

  1. Resize the Bankid-Satisfaction graph to span the entire panel by using the sizing controls.

  2. Select the Save button on the toolbar to save the dashboard.

Notice that there is little difference in the overall satisfaction between the two banks.

  1. From the Bank Customers table Select the Satisfaction column.

  2. From the Bank Customers table Ctrl-Click or Command-Click and Select the Age Range column.

  3. From the Bank Customers table Ctrl-Click or Command-Click and Select the Gender column.

  4. Drag and Drop these items to Panel 5 (the panel on the bottom of the template).

  1. Resize the Bankid-Satisfaction graph to span the entire panel by using the sizing controls.

  2. Select the Save button on the toolbar to save the dashboard.

  1. Click on the Bankid-Satisfaction graph in Panel 5.

  2. Select the Visualization icon.

  1. Select the Heat Map visualization from the panel of choices to change the graph to a Heat Map.

  2. Select the Arrow to close the visualization menu.

  3. Select the Save button on the toolbar to save the dashboard.

Your Dashboard should now like the screen shot above. Notice that on average Males are more satisfied than females, and that on the right, our older customers are the least satisfied.

Now, let's add another Tab to the Dashboard.

  1. Select the + plus sign next to the Customer Satisfaction tab to add a new tab.
  1. Scroll down and Select the 2 x 2 template with 4 rectangles in it.

  2. Select the USE button.

  1. Select the Tab 1 name area. A menu will appear.

  2. Select the Edit icon that looks like a pencil.

  1. Enter a name of Churn Analysis and click outside the name area to save the name.

Note - This image depicts the numbering of the four panels to explain placement in the following steps.

As we said earlier, your data scientists have found that churn seems to be related to the number of credit applictions the customer has submitted, and the number of times they have had late payments. Remember we also created groups for late payments and credit applications, now let's create visualizations for these.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of columns in the Bank Customers data module.

  2. From the Bank Customers data module Select the Group Late Payments.

  3. Ctrl-Click or Command-Click the Count column.

  4. Ctrl-Click or Command-Click the Churn column.

  5. Drag and Drop these columns onto Panel 1.

  1. Resize the graph you just created to span and use panel 1 and panel 2 by using the sizing controls.

  2. Select inside the graph to get a menu of graph actions.

  3. Select the Visualization menu item.

  1. Select the Heat Map visualization to change the graph to a Heat Map.

  2. Select the Arrow in the top left of the visualization menu to close the visualization menu.

  3. Select the Save button in the top left corner of the toolbar to save the dashboard.

Note - Even though we created three groups we see four groups here. What is different?

Notice that the group on the far right is blank. In this case there were some columns that had no value at all for the number of late payments. In this specific case does this mean that customer had no (ZERO) applications, or that someone forgot to fill in this field, or that there is an applicatio problem somewhere? We need to determine the source of the data and whether it is valid or needs to be fixed. We would need to verify this data with the bank data engineers.

Now you will add a visualization of churn to credit applications.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the list of columns in the Bank Customers data module.

  2. From the Bank Customers data module Select the Group Credit Applications.

  3. Ctrl-Click or Command-Click the Count column.

  4. Ctrl-Click or Command-Click the Churn column.

  5. Drag and Drop these columns onto Panel 3.

  1. Resize the graph you just created to span and use panel 3 and panel 4 by using the sizing controls.

  2. Select inside the graph to get a menu of graph actions.

  3. Select the Visualization menu item.

  1. Select the Heat Map visualization to change the graph to a Heat Map.

  2. Select the Arrow in the top left of the visualization menu to close the visualization menu.

  3. Select the Save button in the top left corner of the toolbar to save the dashboard.

The Churn Analysis tab should look like the screen shot above. From these graphics we can see that our most loyal customers are the ones with the least credit applications and late payments.

Note - We see the same thing in this graphic with some data being (blank). Again, we could assume that a blank is a zero, but for more accurate analysis we should clean up the data and update the blnk to a 0 (zero).

Let's go back to the Customer Satisfaction tab, since that was the main reason for the work we have done so far.

In the middle of the window there are two bars, K and N (K Bank and N Bank).

  1. Click on the Bankid label between the bars.

  2. Select the drill down button (second from the right).

We now see two bars, yes and no, "yes" means the customer has left the bank and "no" means they have not left the bank. Let’s investigate the customers who have left the bank (yes). We can also see (in the Satisfaction graph in the top left corner) that the satisfaction scores are lower for the yes bar (the people who have left).

  1. Click on the yes bar on the right.

  2. Select the drill down button (second from the right).

We notice that all of the visualizations change to be relative to customers who left, and that the satisfaction score changes to a lower number, which makes sense. We now see that our Small Business customers have the lowest satisfaction scores 3.04. You can hover over any of the bars in the graph to get more details about the metric. Hover over the Small Business bar in the graph and you will see the 3.04 satisfaction score.

We can dig deeper into these customers by drilling down further.

  1. Click on the Small Business bar in the graph.

  2. Select the drill down button (second from the right).

This shows the States of the customers who left the bank. In this case since we are filtered on Small Business, we see the satisfaction level of all Small Business customers who have left, by their state.

To find the state with the lowest satisfaction score:

  1. Click on the Satisfaction (Average) axis title on the left hand side of the chart.

  2. Select the Sort button.

  1. Select the Sort descending menu item.

We see that Rhode Island has the lowest satisfaction level. We can drill down to find out which customer(s) from Rhode Island closed their accounts.

  1. Click on the Rhode Island bar in the graph.

  2. Select the drill down button (second from the right).

We see that we had one customer (UX10401) leave us from Rhode Island, and their satisfaction level was 2.

Additionally, if we look at the bar below, we can see that this customer was a 70 - 79 year old female.

Note - You can click on any part of the dashboard and the rest of the dashboard will filter based on the value you select. Also, we would usually title these graphs, set maximums on graphs, specify different colors, etc. to make the Dashboard more appealing before sharing across the enterprise (or at the board meeting). But in the sake of time we will skip that for this demo.

Take a screen capture or screen shot of this dashboard tab to show that you have completed the lab.