
PLCComS is communication server for TECO PLC (Foxtrot, TC700 and SoftPLC) based on telnet protocol.

Primary LanguageShell

Supported Architectures:

Architectures officially supported by this Docker container:

Linux x86/i686 Linux x86-64 ARMv8 64-bit ARMv7 32-bit


GitHub last commit Docker Image Size (tag)

Dockerized PLCComS - Communication server for TECO PLC (Foxtrot, TC700 and SoftPLC)


Communication server provides TCP/IP connection with client device and a PLC. Communication of server with client is created by simple text oriented protocol - question/answer. Server communicates with PLS by optimalized EPSNET protocol.

How to Run this container

Running from Docker Hub

# pull from docker hub
$> docker pull rosiste/plccoms:latest

# run PLCComS container
$> docker run --name=plccoms            \
              --restart=always          \
              --detach                  \
              --publish=5010:5010/tcp     \
              -e TZ=Europe/Prague       \
              -v plccoms_log:/var/log/teco  \
              -v plccoms_etc:/etc/teco      \


When first started, the configuration file PLCComS.ini in directory /etc/teco contain default values from TECO. Therefore, it is essential to adjust these values according to your environment. This is especially the ip address and port of the PLC and the location of *.pub files. All configuration variables are described in default PLCComS.ini file.

Example of PLCComS.ini file when using default file locations:

IPADDR        =
SERVER_PORT   = 5010
PUBFILE_FIXED = ../../etc/teco/FIXED_Foxtrot.pub
PUBFILE       = ../../etc/teco/inels.pub

All file paths must be specified as relative from /opt/teco. The inels.pub file contains the export of variables from the PLC, for example from the IDM software.


Jaroslav Vacha

Final thanks

Big thanks to Phill Paraphraser for his ideas for improvement.