
Build mapping files derived from Java Charsets which can be processed by Python's gencodec.py.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


CodecMapper derives mapping files from Java Charsets which can be processed by Python's gencodec.py.


To build and run CodecMapper, you need:

  1. Java 1.7 or later
  2. ant 1.8 or later, available from https://ant.apache.org/.

It might also work with earlier versions of ant but this has not been tested.


To build CodecMapper, run:

$ ant dist

To generate a mapping file for a specific codec, run for example:

$ java -jar dist/CodecMapper.jar iso-8859-15

The resulting mapping file is stored in iso-8859-15.txt. The generated mapping files are located in the same folder and have names like iso-8859.15.mapping.

EBCDIC codecs for Python

As an example usage, CodecMapper can provide additional EBCDIC codecs for Python, which can easily be packaged and distributed.

To test the Python codecs you need to setup a Pythen venv:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install pycodestyle wheel

After that you can build the Python codecs and run the tests:

$ ant test

For more information, browse the "ebcdic" folder of this distribution and take a look at the README.rst.

Source code

See https://github.com/roskakori/CodecMapper.


Copyright (c) 2013 - 2019, Thomas Aglassinger All rights reserved.

Distributed under the BSD license, see LICENSE.txt for more information.