- 2
de.felixroske.jfxsupport.AbstractJavaFxApplicationSupport - Failed to load spring application context:
#92 opened by hawskpy - 0
- 2
Multiple window problems
#86 opened by z357904947 - 3
Can't set controller in HelloworldJavaView demo
#84 opened by yrcs - 6
- 2
- 6
Getting No auto configuration classes found when extending AbstractJavaFxApplicationSupport.class with @SpringBootApplication class
#83 opened by q8tywolf - 1
it cannot load classpath resource
#89 opened by flyForPeakedness - 1
- 1
How to change the display of the page
#87 opened by 726903782 - 0
No auto configuration classes found when extending AbstractJavaFxApplicationSupport.class with @SpringBootApplication class on Java 11
#85 opened by montalbano - 0
Allow custom error action
#80 opened by octaviospain - 0
- 2
have any plans to upgrade to javafx11?
#77 opened by linxu - 1
How to load a view without showing it?
#70 opened by choong2003 - 1
showView methods from AbstractJavaFxApplicationSupport should return more information
#74 opened by Blackdread - 1
How to set the title of dialog or subwindow?
#79 opened by Ryanznoco - 2
How to support Chinese?
#78 opened by Ryanznoco - 0
Disable web-server
#76 opened by dimasay - 0
- 3
- 0
How to run on different platforms, how to pack?
#72 opened by hallooyo - 3
how to pack javafx with springboot into exe.
#71 opened by i-CNNN - 1
Add CSS file to Scene before launch
#69 opened by MBecM - 0
SplashScreen should not appear in TaskBar
#68 opened by mtbadi39 - 2
- 1
Setting Scene RIGHT TO LEFT Orientation
#67 opened by mtbadi39 - 4
- 2
The format of annotate is not uniform
#46 opened by sdlzhd - 1
View cannot be loaded if the name is only 'View'
#48 opened by deen13 - 3
- 2
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Main purpose of @FXMLView (doc)
#61 opened by lovky - 0
API for alternative controller class
#65 opened by rraksi - 1
- 2
Move the showView method to AbstractFxmlView
#58 opened by octaviospain - 6
Remove circular dependency to test project
#60 opened by roskenet - 1
Is there a way to launch a new window from the main window using the autowiring mechanism rather than newing it up?
#63 opened by asifmohammed - 3
Can I get the root Pane from the primary stage?
#49 opened by willijk - 1
- 1
- 1
#50 opened by linxu - 3
callback event
#51 opened by linxu - 4
Duplicate Code in Tag v1.4.4
#47 opened by fbouchedid - 0
Write proper Java Docs
#41 opened by roskenet - 3
Cannot get Spring context outside a Component
#43 opened by Blackdread - 2
How do you make exe executable files?
#42 opened by i-CNNN - 3
Create a branch for spring boot 1.5
#35 opened by ouaibsky - 0
- 0
Add Events to Controller on multiple windows
#40 opened by incluedu