
Telegram group chat gateway for Sopel IRC bot, supports images and bi-directional messages

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Telegram group chat gateway for Sopel IRC bot, supports images and bi-directional messages.


First, you'll need to have Sopel IRC bot and Telepot library installed (see requirements.txt). You can use pip to install them.

Second, you'll need to create a Telegram bot with @BotFather on Telegram. Third, you'll have to change the privacy setting with /setprivacy to enable bot to see messages on the chat. Fourth, add the bot to the chat you want to.

To add this module to Sopel, copy telegram.py to ~/.sopel/modules and configure the module in ~/.sopel/default.cfg:

token = place your telegram bot token here
chat_id = place chat id here to send messages to (see below)
images = true
image_directory = /path/to/save/images/to
url_prefix = http://url/to/prepend/

To find out the chat ID, you can use the simple tool (find_chatid.py) with your token to list all your chats. Run the tool and give the bot token as the first parameter. Now, send a messages to the chat and you should see the chat ID (integer, can be negative).


  1. The module will send messages to all IRC channels that the bot is joined to.
  2. There is no cleanup for images (hint: use tmpwatch).
  3. There is no remapping of nicks, Telegram nick is used as-is.