Digital Preservation Brainscape

Find it here! and check out the blog!

A set of flash cards to introduce new folks to digital preservation concepts. The decks are open source for all contributions to improve learning and understanding.

How to contribute

  • Use the cards!
  • Share the resource!
  • Check out the project see what you can do
  • Open an issue, or if you spot one
  • Help me to reduce jargon and improve clarity
  • Clone, and send a pull request
  • Suggest topics and contribute content
  • Help me fix this up to be something useable for for the community

Sugessting an edit redux

If it's easier, you can also use the app to suggest an edit.

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Access the Cards

Access them here!

Suggested Topics

  • Audio Visual
  • Web Archiving
  • Premis

Intrinsic Value

  • I would dearly love to see more added to the intrinsic value cards, is it a thing in digital? If it is, what records? and if it is, maybe it provides more evidence to folks that be that what we're doing is important. Positive evidence not just evidence based on risk.



The material in these decks is purely for educational purposes. A lot, but not all content in these decks is unique. For example, it was easier to copy organisation mission statements and principles almost verbatim where they were available and not overly promotional. Tool text in some cases as well. Reuse therefore is with a prejudicial warning.