

Install parcel, which we use as an all-in-one dev server, bundler, and installation tool. npm i -g parcel-bundler

You will still need to generate css with tailwind, which you can do with: npm run buildCSS

Then just run: parcel src/index.html

You shouldn't need to do anything else, parcel should handle installation of all dependencies when run and setup the dev server at http://localhost:1234.

To deploy to production, follow these steps:

  • Run npm run buildCSSProd. This will strip out unused css
  • Run parcel build src/index.html --public-url ./freeworld-code-challenge
  • If deploying to github pages, you can deploy the dist folder to a gh-pages branch in your repo by running: npm run push-gh-pages. This will take the dist folder on your local machine, and override whatever is on your gh-pages branch with it.