
NumPy for biological imaging

Primary LanguagePython

NumPy for Biological Imaging Analysis

Presentation on NumPy prepared for BeBi 205, May 11th 2023


Create a python virtual environment and enter it:

python -m venv bebi205-env
source bebi205-env/bin/activate

Then install the dependencies:

python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

View the presentation

jupyter notebook presentation.md


  • The jupyter notebook is in MyST-markdown format and is automatically converted to .ipynb format with jupytext.
  • The slideshow-mode is provided by the RISE extension.

RISE quick start:

  • Enter presentation mode with alt+r
  • Toggle full-screen with F11
  • Navigation:
    • Move one slide/fragment forward: space
    • Move one slide/fragment back: shift+space
  • Run executable cells just like a normal notebook: shift+enter