- amirDublin, Ireland
- baguetteCharlotte, NC
- bandali0@canonical
- cbarrettSprings & Struts
- chrisosaurus@google
- dinosaureAround the world ...
- eloraibyNVidia, NeoCogi
- eternaleye
- gethup
- hauntedhost⛰️ Southern Appalachia
- iuliandumitruLondon
- jonsterlingUniversity of Cambridge
- juanbono@lambdaclass
- lambda-fairyGoogle
- lambdageek@Microsoft
- lqd
- makenowjustInside NANAKASE Kotoko
- marsamPeru
- MatthewFluetRochester Institute of Technology
- mgrabovskyFakta o klimatu
- mrkgnao
- ollefAscenium
- op8867555Taipei, Taiwan
- rdavisonSolvuu
- rizoPorto (Portugal)
- robotlolita
- samoht@tarides
- scott-fleischman
- seakoLos Angeles
- shonfeder@tarides
- skchrnko
- smondetNew York, NY
- tiensonqin@logseq
- v217
- vaibhavsagargadigal land/sydney
- wolverian@reaktor