
HTML, CSS, jQuery

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Week 6

As always: make a copy of this repository to commit changes to

Week 4 Review

Intro & Week 4 Review

  • More developer tools
    • Viewing/playing with HTML and CSS in elements
    • 'Breakpoint debugging' in sources
    • Viewing data transfer in network
  • Homework/lab discussion
    • Thinking through asynchronous behavior and scope
    • Walk through async code example
    • Walk through CSS/HTML example
  • Thinking of functions in terms of what they do vs what they are
    • return statements
    • _.map vs _.each

Lecture & Labs

jQuery Continued
  • Element selection
    • A central feature of jQuery
    • CSS selectors
  • jQuery events
    • 'Binding' events to elements
    • Asynchronous behavior (just like ajax)
  • Lab

Homework Assignment