
PostGIS and QGIS Introduction

Primary LanguageShell

SQL, PostGIS, and QGIS


  1. A working Docker installation

NOTE ON WINDOWS INSTALLATIONS: Windows Professional edition ships with 'Hyper-V', which is required for modern Docker installations. Very likely, you have the Home edition of Windows and will have to use Docker Toolbox, which is an older, clunkier method of using Docker. It can work, but we won't be spending significant time assisting with installation issues. It is highly recommended that you come to the workshop with a working installation of Docker to ensure you get the most from in-person instruction. Barring that, you will be asked to pair with someone whose installation works.

  1. A QGIS 3.X installation

  2. A working internet connection


Docker Introduction

Introduction to 'containers', Docker's command line tools, and the features most relevant to running PostGIS with QGIS

  1. docker concepts
  2. what can docker do?
  3. how to put files on docker
  4. communication with processes inside docker

SQL Introduction

A brief introduction to relational databases, the SQL standard, the Postgresql dialect of SQL, and the 'GIS' of 'PostGIS'

  1. What is SQL?
  2. SQL Queries
  3. Geometry concepts

The PostgreSQL Manual

Introduction to QGIS

Instruction on loading and viewing layers in QGIS; connecting QGIS to a running PostGIS instance

  1. Loading and viewing layers
  2. Coloring layers
  3. Viewing layer attributes
  4. Connecting to a database

Solving Tough Geospatial Problems

Two complex, real world datasets will be provided (as well as some instruction and assistance in making them available through PostGIS/QGIS) which invite a host of interesting questions. Sample queries will be demonstrated, we will work through queries suggested in class, and participants will have an opportunity to ask their own questions with instructor assistance.

PostGIS Utilities

Extra utilities that we may/may not have time to cover

  1. Using the COPY command to do bulk inserts
  2. pgsql2shp
  3. Application programming (demonstration only)