Python script to spin up some simple REST endpoints for simulating services.
To spin up an endpoint, create a Python script in the same directory, make sure there is a style URL mapping/class tuple structure to define the mapping and what endpoint class it should point to. Like so:-
urls = ('/Test', 'test')
Add (as in a class with a method with the name of the HTTP method type of the expected request, e.g. GET and specify behaviour.
class test:
def GET(self):
print "TEST HIT"
return "Test Endpoint!"
It is run by running the script followed by the port it should run on, followed by a list of endpoint packages you wish to spin up, e.g.
python 8081 Test
Unit tests are run automatically and halt the script if they fail but they can be run by themselves like so
python -m doctest
Included here are two examples:-
: An example enpoint that provides a
: An example endpoint with basic auth & JSON returned