
Primary LanguagePython


Any scripts I write and want to keep for any reason.

MAC Rename

A Windows batch script to take in a CSV file containing MAC addresses and computer names and when it is run on a computer. If that computers MAC address is in the list, it will be set to the corresponding name. e.g.


If run on the computer with the MAC address 00-00-00-00-00-01, the name of that computer will be set to PC-1 using the Compname.exe

MiFARE Conversion

Take a MiFARE RFID, decimalises, removes digits for one and then reverses the number and does the same for the other. Command line and RESTful versions.

i.e. 56291629 -> 29162956 -> 689318230, 1445533225 -> 45533225 -> 0#45533225