
Shiny support for powerful Semantic UI library.

Primary LanguageCSSOtherNOASSERTION


Semantic UI wrapper for Shiny

With this library it's easy to wrap Shiny with Semantic UI components. Add a few simple lines of code and some CSS classes to give your UI a fresh, modern and highly interactive look.



Components live demo

Source code

This library source code can be found on Appsilon Data Science's Github:


How to install?

Note! This library is still in its infancy. Api might change in the future.

At the moment it's possible to install this library through devtools.


To install previous version you can run:

devtools::install_github("Appsilon/shiny.semantic", ref = "0.1.0")

How to use it?

Firstly, you will have to invoke shinyUI() with semanticPage() instead of standard Shiny UI definitions like e.g. fluidPage(). From now on forward all components can ba annotated with Semantic UI specific CSS classes and also you will be able to use shiny.semantic components.

Basic example will look like this:


ui <- function() {
      title = "My page",
      div(class = "ui button", uiicon("user"),  "Icon button")

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {

shinyApp(ui = ui(), server = server)

and will render a simple button.

For better understanding it's good to check Semantic UI documentation.

Note #1

At the moment you have to pass page title in semanticPage()

semanticPage(title = "Your page title", ...)

Note #2

There are some conflicts in CSS styles between SemanticUI and Bootstrap. For the time being it's better to suppress Bootstrap by caling:


[Advanced] Using Semantic UI JavaScript elements

Some Semantic UI elements require to run a specific JS code when DOM document is ready. There are at least 2 options to do this:

  1. Use shinyjs
jsCode <- " # Semantic UI componts JS "
ui <- function() {
      title = "Your page title",
      # Your UI code

server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  # Your Shiny logic

shinyApp(ui = ui(), server = server)
  1. Use shiny::tags$script()
jsCode <- "
$(document).ready(function() {
  # Semantic UI components JS code, like:
  #$('.rating').rating('setting', 'clearable', true);
  #$('.disabled .rating').rating('disable');
ui <- function() {
    title = "My page",
    # Your UI code
server <- shinyServer(function(input, output) {
  # Your Shiny logic

shinyApp(ui = ui(), server = server)

Component examples

  • Raised segment with list

div(class = "ui raised segment", div(class = "ui relaxed divided list", c("Apples", 
    "Pears", "Oranges") %>% purrr::map(~div(class = "item", uiicon("large github middle aligned"), 
    div(class = "content", a(class = "header", "Hello"), div(class = "description", 
  • Interactive card

div(class = "ui card", div(class = "content", div(class = "right floated meta", "14h"), 
    img(class = "ui avatar image", src = "http://semantic-ui.com/images/avatar/large/elliot.jpg"), 
    "Elliot"), div(class = "image", img(src = "http://semantic-ui.com/images/wireframe/image.png")), 
    div(class = "content", span(class = "right floated", uiicon("heart outline like"), 
        "17 likes"), uiicon("comment"), "3 comments"), div(class = "extra content", 
        div(class = "ui large transparent left icon input", uiicon("heart ouline"), 
            tags$input(type = "text", placeholder = "Add Comment..."))))

All components examples can be found here:

The source code for Components live demo is located in /examples folder. To run it locally you will have to install:

  • highlighter


Check out also our dashboard examples made with shiny.semantic librabry:

  1. Churn analytics
  2. Fraud detection

How to contribute?

If you want to contribute to this project please submit a regular PR, once you're done with new feature or bug fix.

Changes in documentation

Both repository README.md file and an official documentation page are generated with Rmarkdown, so if there is a need to update them, please modify accordingly a README.Rmd file and run a build_readme.R script to compile it.


We used the latest versions of dependencies for this library, so please update your R environment before installation.

However, if you encounter any problems, try the following:

  1. Up-to-date R language environment

  2. Installing specific dependent libraries versions

    • shiny

      install.packages("shiny", version='')
  3. Some bugs may be related directly to Semantic UI. In that case please try to check issues on its repository.

  4. Some bugs may be related to Bootstrap. Please make sure you have it suppressed. Instructions are above in How to use it? section.

Future enhacements

  • create all update functions for input components to mimic shiny as close as possible
  • add some glue code in dsl.R to make using this package smoother
  • CRAN release

Appsilon Data Science

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Appsilon Data Science

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