Token Transporter

Send ETH and ERC-20 tokens with ease! This dapp filters wallet tokens for those that are included in Kleros' Token Curated Registry and have the ERC-20 badge. So if you are wondering why some of your tokens don't show up, that is why. V2 may allow for browsing the full registry or importing other token lists.

App is not responsive for mobile, sorry!

This project is experimental and in beta. Use at your own risk.

project is deployed at:

This is a wagmi + RainbowKit + Vite project bootstrapped with create-wagmi

Getting Started

If you want to run the project locally you can fork the repo. You will need to rename the .env.example file to .env and enter valid API keys. You can adjust what API providers you use and fall back to in the wagmi.ts file.

type npm install in your terminal to install, and npm run dev to run the dApp, and then open localhost:5173 in your browser.