DAVI Monorepo


  1. pnpm v7.18.2(npm and yarn are not supported.) https://pnpm.io/installation

  2. docker & docker-compose

How to setup

  1. Create a fork of this repo.
  2. Clone your fork installing submodules git clone --recurse-submodules [your-github-fork-url.git]
  3. Install dependencies pnpm i
  4. Make an .env file in the dev-scriptsfolder (see .env.example) and write a seed phrase and deploy salt for hardhat.

If you're on Linux:

First, do the steps above.

  1. Run a hardhat instance
cd apps/dev-scripts

pnpm dev
  1. In another terminal, run the Linux subgraph setup
cd apps/dxdao-subgraph

sudo ./setup-linux.sh
  1. When it finishes, terminate the hardhat instance

Common Issues and Solutions

1. pnpm i fails with node-gyp errors

You might not have the relavant build tools for node-gyp to run. Check this if you're on Mac OS.

2. listen tcp4 bind: address already in use

There's a process already running on port 5432 (usually postgres).


sudo lsof -i :5432

to get the PID of the process, and

sudo kill -9 [PID]

to terminate it.

3. If you're on Linux and get this error

dxdao-subgraph:dev: ✖ Failed to deploy to Graph node subgraph validation error: [the specified block must exist on the Ethereum network]
dxdao-subgraph:dev: error Command failed with exit code 1.
dxdao-subgraph:dev: info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
dxdao-subgraph:dev:  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
dxdao-subgraph:dev:  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

Then there was a problem during the Linux setup. Common sources of this are

  1. The subgraph was already running during the setup: make sure there are no instances of the subraph running. Run docker compose down
  2. The hardhat instance wasn't running while doing the setup: make sure the hardhat instance is running, and only then run the linux setup.

4. Dev script permissions

If you see permission denied: ./apps/dxdao-subgraph/scripts/dev.sh you might need to set permissions for dev script.

chmod +x ./apps/dxdao-subgraph/scripts/dev.sh


To run project locally you need to compile contracts, run hardhat node from dev-scripts, run subgraph docker, create/deploy local subgraph and run davi-frontend. To do this you can do it in separate terminals or run pnpm dev from root project. See turbo.json for turbo config

Option 1:

Running all at once: pnpm run dev

Option 2

Running in separate terminals:

  1. Run hardhat node locally: pnpm run devScript
  2. Start docker containers: pnpm run subgraph:compose-up (Will require hardhat to be running and docker to be installed and open)
  3. Create and deploy local subgraph: pnpm run subgraph:start-local (graph-node container should be running. Verify with docker ps --filter "name=guilds-subgraph-graph-node*" -q | xargs -I {} docker inspect --format '{{.State.Status}}' {} before execute start-local)
  4. Build DAVI graph-client & run dApp: pnpm run davi:build-graph-client && pnpm run davi:dev


  • We are copy-pasting abis generated by dxdao-contracts into davi and subgraph apps. We need to automate this


We are using dxdao-contracts as submodule. Currently it is working under feature/monorepo-setup-w-create2 branch. After this pr is merged we can change .gitmodules config to use dxdao-contracts with main/develop branch To update dxdao-contracts submodule to latest commit use git submodule update --remote --merge To update dxdao-contracts submodule branch use git submodule set-branch --branch [branch] dxdao-contracts