
All of the tweets

Primary LanguageRuby


Tweetr lets you search for Twitter users and view their last 25 tweets. Try it out here

Libraries in Use


This is a popular wrapper for the Twitter API. It wasn't really necessary for the functionality in this app but since it's widely used and I have experience with it, I went with it.


I used devise to get user auth set up quickly. Authentication is too important and easy to get wrong so I prefer using something like devise which is widely adopted.


There are cooler databases but postgres is nice, I've used it a bunch, and I already had it installed on my machine.


Rspec has very easy to read syntax and I've only worked on projects that use it. I would like to try one of the other options (Test::Unit or MiniTest) at some point.

What I didn't use:

Bootstrap (or another frontend framework)

I debated whether I should use frontend framework or not. Even though I'm not a frontend wizard, I tend to be opinionated about UI and sometimes obsess over making the frontend look nice. Since we weren't supposed to spend too much time on this, I elected to use plain old HTML and CSS.

Design Choices

Aside from the controllers provided by devise, the app has a WelcomeController with an index action routed to the app root. I've added the devise authorize_user! method to the app's ApplicationController to protect routes from access by users without accounts. Actions can be whitelisted for public access by adding skip_before_filter to the appropriate controller/action.

The main functionality of the app is provided by the TweetsController's search action which takes a handle parameter and uses the twitter gem to locate the timeline for the user. I added some error handling since we're working with an external API and there are quite a few scenarios where errors could occur.

I did deliberate a bit about how exactly to structure the app's routing. I initially though of recreating the Twitter web client's routing scheme where the handle is a part of the route like twitter.com/yourhandle. Since the tweets aren't a resource owned by this app, I decided not to go that route and instead used the handle as a regular url parameter.



Installation on OSX

1. Cloning the Repository

  1. Clone the tweetr repository
  2. Open Terminal and ‘cd’ into the repository’s folder.

2. Install Postgresql

brew install postgresql

3. Install the bundle

bundle install

4. Create the database

  1. open config/database.yml
  2. Change line 6 to your username
  3. bundle exec rake db:setup

5. Add Twitter Credentials

You will need to have access to a Twitter API consumer key and consumer secret. Get yours here

  1. Add the key and secret to environmental variables with: export TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY=<your key goes here> export TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET=<your secret goes here>.

6. Start the server

  1. rails s
  2. Visit http://localhost:3000/ .


Run all tests with rspec spec from the root folder.