Models Files

Database Schemas schema diagram - schema statement -

Technologies Used

Below is a list of technologies used to build this project

  • Golang
  • Postgres 9.5
  • Makefile


Follow these steps to set up the app.

Clone the repo:

Github repo

Navigate to the project directory:

cd coding-challenge

Note, Ensure you have postgres, Go, Makefile installed on local machine.

Environment variables like DB_HOST, DB_PORT, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD and DB_NAME should be added. Kindy refer to the .env_example to populate the environmental variable


Make sure your database is configured and you declared your table with the database schema declared above and your environment variable are set.

Running with Makefile

Run the command below to run the program

$ make all

To build the program binary for different os

$ make compile

Yay!!! You are good to go.

Quote: Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live