
How to use

  • Install FX3_SDK_1.3.4_Linux or later, the workspace may include cyusb_linux_1.0.5, cyfx3sdk, arm-2013.11

  • Create a setup_env.sh(below) under the root of the workspace and source it

    export FX3_SDK_ROOT=${PWD}
    export PATH=${PATH}:${PWD}/arm-2013.11/bin:${PWD}/cyfx3sdk/util/elf2img
    export FX3_INSTALL_PATH=${PWD}/cyfx3sdk
    export ARMGCC_INSTALL_PATH=${PWD}/arm-2013.11
    export ARMGCC_VERSION=4.8.1
  • git clone this repo to cyfx3sdk/firmware

  • cd into "fx3_ov5640", run make, hopefully the project would be built

  • then cd into "tools", build the image and program it(need to build the elf2img separately)

    ./build_image.sh ../fx3_ov5640.elf fx3_ov5640.img 
    ./flashprog.sh fx3_ov5640.img RAM  # program to RAM