
Toolkits for SLAM

Primary LanguageC++


Toolkits for SLAM

Evaluating the SLAM algorithm


  • dataset player: parsing the CARMEN dataset, and publishing the tf(odom, base_footprint, base_scan) , /scan and /clock

  • odom logger: storing the ROS2 estimated poses into CARMEN format(for evaluation)

  • metric evaluator: download here

  • grid_mapper: building grid map with given scans and correspondent poses


Playing dataset and recording the odometry data for benchmark

In this example, I will walk you through how to evaluate the slam_toolbox with these tools.

  • Build the map first, run this commands in separated terminals

    ros2 launch slam_toolbox online_sync_launch.py use_sim_time:=True
    ros2 run dataset_player dataset_player_node --ros-args -p dataset:=./ACES_Building/aces.clf
    rviz2  # (optional)
  • As "On Measuring the Accuracy of SLAM Algorithms" section 6 suggests, to benchmark the algorithm without trajectory estimates, we can simply play the dataset again and run the localization on the built map to recover the trajectory.

  • Run these commands in separated terminals

    ros2 launch nav2_bringup localization_launch.py use_sim_time:=True map:=MAP_YAML_FILE
    ros2 run odom_logger odom_logger_node --ros-args -p use_sim_time:=True
    ros2 run dataset_player dataset_player_node --ros-args -p dataset:=slam_datasets/ACES\ Building/aces.clf
  • Finally run the metric evaluator(use help for more details)

    ./metricEvaluator -s PATH/TO/estimated_odom.txt -r PATH/TO/relations -w "{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}"

Building map with grid_mapper

Send a static tf of map and odom

ros2 run tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0 0 0 map odom

then run the dataset_player and grid_mapper


  • slam_toolbox
    • branch: foxy-devel
    • commit: ebcee231186c14f00671cf3fe41942f448bb9577
    • optimized parameters
      • loop_search_maximum_distance: 10.0
      • loop_match_minimum_response_coarse: 0.25
      • loop_match_minimum_response_fine: 0.65
Dataset laser maximum range(meter) mean std initial pose playback freq. angle resolution
2 MIT Killian Court 51.060 (1.91, 37.8) 10 1.0
ACES Building 50.0 (0, 0) 25 1.0
Freiburg Indoor Building 079 50.0 (-3.03, 8.3) 25 1.0
Intel Research Lab 81.83 (0, 0) 25 1.0
MIT CSAIL Building 81.91 25 0.5

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