
A small research project aimed at understanding the behaviour of a simple nginx reverse proxy given various upstream server conditions.

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Nginx Reverse Proxy Analysis

A small research project aimed at understanding the behaviour of a simple nginx reverse proxy given various upstream server conditions. Specifically the relationship with a "standard" Nginx proxy and the Socket backlog queue also known as the "Accept Queue".

  • nginx/1.22.1
  • Linux 6.1.12
  • Linux 6.2.1
  • Linux 6.2.2


Observing lines in /proc/net/unix with state 03 SS_CONNECTING is an accurate indicator of connections currently in the backlog queue between the proxy server and the upstream server.

The Active Connections metric from the nginx stub status module is an accurate indicator of which client connections are currently in the accept queue plus the number of accepted requests plus 1.

The worker_connections nginx parameter will accurately limit the Active Connections metric captured by the nginx stub status module.

Q = Inbound proxy requests in the accept queue ≤ SOMAXCONN

A = Inbound proxy requests which have been accepted by an nginx worker

Active Connections = Q (Accept Queue) + A (Accepted) + 1

        ┌──────────┤ Accept Queue ≤ SOMAXCONN │ ◄─────────────────────┐
        │          └──────────────────────────┘                       │
        │                       Q                                     │
        │                                                             │
        ▼           ┌────────────────────────┐              ┌─────────┴──────────┐
                    │                        │              │ Active Connections │
    listen(); ────► │  Nginx Master Process  │              └─────────┬──────────┘
                    │                        │                        │
                    └─┬──────────────────────┘                        │
                      │                                               │
                      │   ┌────────────────────────┐                  │
                      │   │                        │                  │
    accept(); ────►   ├──►│ Nginx Worker Thread 1  │  ◄────────┐      │
                      │   │                        │           │      ▼
                      │   └────────────────────────┘    ┌──────┴─────────────┐
                      │                                 │Accepted Connections│
                      │   ┌────────────────────────┐    └──────┬─────────────┘
                      │   │                        │           │     A
    accept(); ─────►  └──►│ Nginx Worker Thread 2  │  ◄────────┘
                          │                        │

Nginx memory usage remains constant when the accept queue grows, or when SOMAXCONN is approached or exceeded. Nginx does not allocate memory for new requests if at all possible.

Demonstrating memory consumption and stability with nginx is trivial, despite volatile conditions. See ngx_palloc.c for implementation detail.

Observed Nginx Proxy Behavior

Nginx will call listen() with an internal backlog counter for every instance of proxy_pass defined in a configuration. See how nginx calls listen() in ngx_open_listening_sockets.

For every client request, Nginx can be expected to perform the following:

  • Call accept() on the proxy socket connection for each client
  • Call connect() against the upstream server (asynchronous)
  • Call write() against the upstream server (if corresponding upstream calls read())
  • Call epoll_wait() against the file descriptor (wait for upstream)
  • Call close() against the upstream socket as soon as the upstream returns, or the request times out
    • In the event a 5XX is returned due to a faulty upstream, nginx will call write() against the client socket to return the 504 Gateway Timeout

Test Cases and Observations

The following lab can be performed using the code in this repository. Note that running this code is relatively dangerous and should not be executed by anyone without understanding the impact on the local system.


  • GoAccess installed locally to serve access dashboard.
  • Nginx installed locally to serve as reverse proxy.
# Arch Linux
yay -Sy goaccess nginx

The run-cases script can be used to execute the following test cases, each with their own corresponding server binary found in the /src directory after running make upstream.

Case 1: Upstream always returns HTTP 200

In the case where the upstream server works as expected (happy path) we call accept(), and read() and write() and close(newsockfd) and spoof a successful HTTP 200 for every request here are the findings:

  • Single lines in the /proc/net/unix file indicating that a single Unix socket operates behind the socket file. This is to be expected as we call close() for each connection.
  • The socket state saturation from the /proc/net/unix file is the vast majority (90% or higher) in state 01 SS_UNCONNECTED.
  • Nginx will work as expected and proxy requests to/from the upstream server.

Case 2: Upstream not accepting connections

In the case where the upstream server does not call the C function accept() after a socket has been established here are the findings:

  • Multiple lines in the /proc/net/unix file indicating multiple Unix sockets opened on the same socket file.
  • The socket state saturation from the /proc/net/unix file is the vast majority (90% or higher) in state 02 SS_CONNECTING with the minority in state 01 SS_UNCONNECTED.
  • Nginx will "hang" and curl clients wait for a connection to be established, curl clients are synchronously hanging until timeout.

Case 3: Upstream accepts new connections, but does not read

In the case where the upstream server does call the C function accept() but never calls read() or write() on the connection, nor close() on the file descriptor here are the findings:

  • Multiple lines in the /proc/net/unix file indicating multiple Unix sockets opened on the same socket file.
  • The socket state saturation from the /proc/net/unix file is the vast majority (90% or higher) in state 03 SS_CONNECTED with the minority in state 01 SS_UNCONNECTED.
  • Nginx will "hang" and curl clients wait for a response from the server, curl clients are synchronously hanging until timeout.

Case 4: Upstream accepts new connections, reads, but does not write

In the case where the upstream server calls the C functions accept() and read() but never calls write() on the connection, nor close() on the file descriptor here are the findings:

  • Multiple lines in the /proc/net/unix file indicating multiple Unix sockets opened on the same socket file.
  • The socket state saturation from the /proc/net/unix file is the vast majority (90% or higher) in state 03 SS_CONNECTED with the minority in state 01 SS_UNCONNECTED.
  • Nginx will "hang" and curl clients wait for a response from the server, curl clients are synchronously hanging until timeout.

Note: The output of the test indicates there is a small latency between when the socket state switches from 03 SS_CONNECTED to 01 SS_UNCONNECTED that increases in this test case when compared to case 3. During the duration between socket states, there is a sample where there is only a single line in the /proc/net/unix file. Presumably this occurs when the curl client timeouts.

Case 5: Upstream accepts new connections, reads, writes but does not close

In the case where the upstream server calls the C functions accept(), read(), write() on the connection but never calls close() on the file descriptor here are the findings:

  • Multiple lines in the /proc/net/unix file indicating multiple Unix sockets opened on the same socket file.
  • The socket state saturation from the /proc/net/unix file is the vast majority (90% or higher) in state 03 SS_CONNECTED with the minority in state 01 SS_UNCONNECTED.
  • Nginx will "hang" and curl clients wait for a response from the server, curl clients are synchronously hanging until timeout.

Note: The output of the test indicates there is an even larger latency between when the socket state switches from 03 SS_CONNECTED to 01 SS_UNCONNECTED that increases again in this test case when compared to cases 3 and 4. During the duration between socket states, there is a sample where there is only a single line in the /proc/net/unix file. Presumably this occurs when the curl client timeouts.

// Kernel Linux 6.2
// Taken from https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/v6.2/include/uapi/linux/net.h
typedef enum {
	SS_FREE = 0,			/* not allocated		*/
	SS_UNCONNECTED,			/* unconnected to any socket	*/
	SS_CONNECTING,			/* in process of connecting	*/
	SS_CONNECTED,			/* connected to socket		*/
	SS_DISCONNECTING		/* in process of disconnecting	*/
} socket_state;
Enum Value Sample (/proc/net/unix)
SS_FREE 0 00


Below is basic reference material which has been compiled from the results and observations of this research project, as well as references in code and other online resources.

Nginx Workers

Nginx doesn't spawn a process or thread for every connection. Instead, worker processes accept new requests from a shared "listen" socket and execute a highly efficient run-loop inside each worker to process thousands of connections per worker. Source.

The "Accept Queue"

Note: _The "accept queue" is sometimes referred to as "the backlog queue" as found in this Tuning NGINX for Performance guide. The term "backlog queue" corresponds to the internal counter nginx uses to limit connections in addition to the system SOMAXCONN kernel parameter. See how nginx calls listen() in ngx_open_listening_sockets.

Nginx, like any server running on top of a Linux kernel, is bound by the constraints of the kernel.

Every socket server that calls listen() as defined in <sys/socket.h> is bound by the SOMAXCONN value configured with sysctl(8). Source. The server will refuse new connections if the amount of incoming connections equals the value of SOMAXCONN before a corresponding accept() can process the accept queue.

/* Prepare to accept connections on socket FD.
   N connection requests will be queued before further requests are refused.
   Returns 0 on success, -1 for errors.  */
extern int listen (int __fd, int __n) __THROW;

This queue of inbound and unaccepted requests is often referred to as "The Accept Queue".

Nginx Memory

For each connection, the necessary memory buffers are dynamically allocated, linked, used for storing and manipulating the header and body of the request and the response, and then freed upon connection release. Source

Nginx Proxy Behavior

For every proxy request, Nginx can be expected to perform the following:

  • The nginx master calls listen() for each proxy_pass defined.
  • An Nginx worker calls accept() on the proxy socket.
  • An Nginx worker calls connect() against the upstream socket (synchronous).
  • An Nginx worker calls write() against the upstream server if applicable.
  • An Nginx worker calls epoll_wait() against the file descriptor (wait for upstream to respond).
  • An Nginx worker will close() the upstream socket as soon as the upstream returns, or the request times out.
    • In the event a 5XX is returned due to a faulty upstream, nginx will call write() against the client socket to return the 504 Gateway Timeout.


Additional Labs

Below are one-off labs which can be performed with the tools in this repository. These labs can be used to demonstrate the claims made above.

Lab: Demonstrate Active Connections > SOMAXCONN is possible.

First set net.core.somaxconn to a small number.

sudo -E sysctl -n net.core.somaxconn # Note the existing value for later
sudo -E sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=8

Next start the proxy and a bad upstream server.

sudo -E ./proxy
sudo -E ./src/upstream-server-not-accept

Next send a number of large requests to the proxy server greater than the value above and quickly check the result

for i in {1..32}
  curl -X POST -d /tmp/payload.dat localhost:80 &
curl localhost:80/stats

Find the value is greater than the kernel limit set by SOMAXCONN at runtime.

Active connections: 27 
server accepts handled requests
 114 114 114 
Reading: 0 Writing: 27 Waiting: 0

Return somaxconn to the value noted above.

sudo -E sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=2048

Lab: Demonstrate a single request in the accept queue

In order to demonstrate a single request in the accept queue perform the following steps:

  1. Start an nginx reverse proxy ./proxy # Terminal 1
  2. Start a bad upstream server ./src/upstream-server-not-accept # Terminal 2
  3. Send requests to the proxy server curl localhost:80 & # Terminal 3
  4. Read the output of the status module curl localhost:80/stats # Terminal 3

Notice that the client will eventually time out with a 504 Gateway Timeout from nginx. Even though nginx was able to listen() for new connections, and a worker was able to accept() the client connection to proxy, the Active Connections metric is still increased by 1 for each request as the proxy waits for the upstream to call accept().

# strace -f -p <nginx-master-pid>
[{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=145702928, u64=139848575827984}}], 512, 60000) = 1
[pid 301051] accept4(5, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(49960), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [112 => 16], SOCK_NONBLOCK) = 12
[pid 301051] epoll_ctl(8, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 12, {events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLRDHUP|EPOLLET, data={u32=145703888, u64=139848575828944}}) = 0
[pid 301051] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN, data={u32=145703888, u64=139848575828944}}], 512, 55619) = 1
[pid 301051] recvfrom(12, "POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost"..., 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 163
[pid 301051] epoll_ctl(8, EPOLL_CTL_MOD, 12, {events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP|EPOLLET, data={u32=145703888, u64=139848575828944}}) = 0
[pid 301051] socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 13
[pid 301051] ioctl(13, FIONBIO, [1])    = 0
[pid 301051] epoll_ctl(8, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, 13, {events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP|EPOLLET, data={u32=145704128, u64=139848575829184}}) = 0
[pid 301051] connect(13, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/var/run/nginx-proxy-analysis.sock"}, 110) = 0
[pid 301051] getsockopt(13, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
[pid 301051] writev(13, [{iov_base="POST / HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: case-upst"..., iov_len=170}, {iov_base="/tmp/payload.dat", iov_len=16}], 2) = 186
[pid 301051] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLOUT, data={u32=145703888, u64=139848575828944}}, {events=EPOLLOUT, data={u32=145704128, u64=139848575829184}}], 512, 55618) = 2
[pid 301051] epoll_wait(8,

Lab: Demonstrate nginx memory stability

Initial research shows that nginx will not allocate significant memory in the event that a request is queued in the listen() queue while waiting on an upstream server.

During 100 requests each with a 1Mb payload against a known upstream that will never accept() a connection the only nginx worker grow from 3Mb memory consumption to 5Mb memory consumption. Where memory was read from the pid's corresponding /proc/<pid>/status.VmSize.

First create a large file to serve as a large payload

# Create a ~1 Mb file
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/payload.dat  bs=1M  count=1

Next start the nginx proxy, and a known faulty upstream server.


Next send large amounts of POST requests to the server with the large payload.

for i in {1..1024}
  curl -X POST -d @/tmp/payload.dat localhost:80 &
curl localhost:80/stats

Memory consumption of the main nginx process, and subsequent nested worker processes remains relatively stable.


Additionally strace the proxy server.

nginx \
  -c $(pwd)/etc/nginx.conf &
strace -f -p $!

See strace logs of the above memory test which can be reasoned about as a small denial of service attack. The upstream would never accept() a connection simulating a busy upstream server. During the flood nginx was surprisingly efficient in managing memory consumption. Even despite a large number of recvfrom() system calls, no evidence of malloc() or similar memory allocation system calls was present.

Note: This test should not be used as a way to validate that nginx will never consume memory during a flood with a busy upstream server. There are many conditions at larger scales which presumably could create this affect.

[pid 332278] writev(286, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="

nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(287) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(286, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970279536, u64=139748321189488}}], 512, 667) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(286, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(286) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [], 512, 667) = 0 [pid 332278] gettid() = 332278 [pid 332278] write(3, "2023/03/06 07:53:08 [error] 3322"..., 275) = 275 [pid 332278] close(291) = 0 [pid 332278] writev(289, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="
nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(290) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(289, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970280016, u64=139748321189968}}], 512, 213) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(289, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(289) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [], 512, 212) = 0 [pid 332278] gettid() = 332278 [pid 332278] write(3, "2023/03/06 07:53:08 [error] 3322"..., 275) = 275 [pid 332278] close(294) = 0 [pid 332278] writev(292, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="
nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(293) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(292, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970280496, u64=139748321190448}}], 512, 191) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(292, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(292) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [], 512, 190) = 0 [pid 332278] gettid() = 332278 [pid 332278] write(3, "2023/03/06 07:53:08 [error] 3322"..., 275) = 275 [pid 332278] close(297) = 0 [pid 332278] writev(295, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="
nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(296) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(295, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970280976, u64=139748321190928}}], 512, 230) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(295, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(295) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [], 512, 229) = 0 [pid 332278] gettid() = 332278 [pid 332278] write(3, "2023/03/06 07:53:08 [error] 3322"..., 275) = 275 [pid 332278] close(300) = 0 [pid 332278] writev(298, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="
nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(299) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(298, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970281456, u64=139748321191408}}], 512, 227) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(298, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(298) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [], 512, 226) = 0 [pid 332278] gettid() = 332278 [pid 332278] write(3, "2023/03/06 07:53:09 [error] 3322"..., 275) = 275 [pid 332278] close(303) = 0 [pid 332278] writev(301, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="
nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(302) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(301, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970281936, u64=139748321191888}}], 512, 213) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(301, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(301) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [], 512, 212) = 0 [pid 332278] gettid() = 332278 [pid 332278] write(3, "2023/03/06 07:53:09 [error] 3322"..., 275) = 275 [pid 332278] close(306) = 0 [pid 332278] writev(304, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="
nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(305) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(304, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970282416, u64=139748321192368}}], 512, 538) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(304, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(304) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [], 512, 536) = 0 [pid 332278] gettid() = 332278 [pid 332278] write(3, "2023/03/06 07:53:09 [error] 3322"..., 275) = 275 [pid 332278] close(309) = 0 [pid 332278] writev(307, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 504 Gateway Time-out\r\nS"..., iov_len=162}, {iov_base="\r\n<title>504 Gateway"..., iov_len=114}, {iov_base="
nginx/1.22.1</center"..., iov_len=53}], 3) = 329 [pid 332278] write(4, " - - [06/Mar/2023:07:53"..., 91) = 91 [pid 332278] close(308) = 0 [pid 332278] setsockopt(307, SOL_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, [1], 4) = 0 [pid 332278] epoll_wait(8, [{events=EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT|EPOLLRDHUP, data={u32=2970282896, u64=139748321192848}}], 512, 65000) = 1 [pid 332278] recvfrom(307, "", 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = 0 [pid 332278] close(307) = 0

  • See ngx_palloc.c for implementation detail on how nginx manages an internal memory pool.


Lab: Demonstrate worker_connections limits active connections

First set the worker_connections value to 2 in the nginx.conf file.

Next run the test suite as normal and observe that Active Connections never exceeds the limit set.
