
A Terraform module that users can use to create an ElastiCache cluster

Primary LanguageHCLMIT LicenseMIT


This Terraform module will create an ElastiCache Redis Cluster Replication Group in AWS. The module is built for the Redis engine. This module does not support Memcached.


module "example_team_ec_cluster" {
  source = "github.com/ministryofjustice/cloud-platform-terraform-elasticache-cluster"

  // The first two inputs are provided by the pipeline for cloud-platform. See the example for more detail.

  cluster_name                  = "cloud-platform-live-0"
  cluster_state_bucket          = "live-0-state-bucket"
  team_name                     = "example-repo"
  engine_version                = "4.0.10"
  parameter_group_name          = "default.redis4.0"
  node_type                     = "cache.m3.medium"
  number_cache_clusters         = "3"
  replication_group_description = "example description"
  business-unit                 = "example-bu"
  application                   = "exampleapp"
  is-production                 = "false"
  environment-name              = "development"
  infrastructure-support        = "example-team@digtal.justice.gov.uk"


Name Description Type Default Required
engine_version Redis ElastiCache engine version string 4.0.10 no
parameter_group_name ElastiCache engine parameter group name string default.redis4.0 no
node_type The instance type of the EC cluster string cache.m3.medium no
cluster_name The name of the cluster (eg.: cloud-platform-live-0) string - yes
cluster_state_bucket The name of the S3 bucket holding the terraform state for the cluster string - yes


Some of the inputs are tags. All infrastructure resources need to be tagged according to the MOJ techincal guidence. The tags are stored as variables that you will need to fill out as part of your module.

Name Description Type Default Required
application string - yes
business-unit Area of the MOJ responsible for the service string mojdigital yes
environment-name string - yes
infrastructure-support The team responsible for managing the infrastructure. Should be of the form team-email string - yes
is-production string false yes
team_name string - yes


Name Description
primary_endpoint_address The address of the endpoint for the primary node in the replication group, if the cluster mode is disabled.
member_clusters The identifiers of all the nodes that are part of this replication group.
auth_token The password used to access the Redis protected server.

Reading Material