A web-based implementation of a personal neograph very closely based on the Coffee Shop code. I took all the characters, threw out the ones I didn't like, reassigned the rest of them and then made more characters to fill the gaps.
Glyphr Studio was used to make the font.
See the demo: https://rossjrw.github.io/neograph/
The font as a tool to help me learn to read and write using the neograph in real life. The font isn't exactly how I'd write it by hand, but it's close enough to act as a learning aid to check my letters. I can write pretty fluently now. Reading it is harder.
In the demo, capital letters have wide spacing and lowercase letters are all sad and compressed. Space leaves a space, underscore inserts the special "space" character for when you want to confuse people into thinking you've written one long word instead of a few small ones.