
Tech track talk for Alteryx Inspire 2019

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Alteryx Inspire 2019 Talk

Operationalizing Your Models in Promote

This repo holds the code and slides for a talk that I gave at the Alteryx Inspire 2019 conference about deploying a Python model to Alteryx Promote. The model is a NHL Hockey expected goal probabilty model.

In this repo, you'll find the Jupyter notebook that I used to train the model along with the code to deploy the model to Promote from Python.

Also in here is an example application built with Node.js and React.

To train use the Jupyter notebook, you'll need the dataset (~600MB). There's a script in the /data folder to get the file and unzip it.

  • cd data
  • ./get_data.sh
