Modbus TCP, Modbus UDP and Modbus RTU client/server library for .NET implementations
- 3 return http 500
#105 opened by mmgerald - 3
Is this a legit library
#116 opened by Zapnologica - 3
There are differences between index of modbus server register array and index of modbus client register array
#69 opened by aigefjk - 0
- 0
Can some system perform multiple slave function connections simultaneously
#110 opened by ilhamfadhil66 - 0
- 2
- 4
- 0
- 0
easy modbus
#106 opened by ImShaida - 1
Feature request: async methods
#58 opened by sandervandegeijn - 0
How to read string data by readMultipleRegisters
#103 opened by Stanley2930 - 1
Receiving data via modbus tcp
#102 opened by Boobert21 - 2
- 2
- 1
ModbusRTU Slave or ModbusTCP server in C#
#96 opened by AlekseyLev - 0
- 1
- 0
- 2
ModbusClient.Available() Has memory leak
#84 opened by 3D-Lasers-Lab - 2
- 0
Error not managed during ReadInputRegisters
#87 opened by Silex-Axe - 0
- 0
- 4
[Issue] System.UnauthorizedAccessException
#81 opened by NintendoPlayer - 1
Question ConvertIntToTwoRegisters
#80 opened by Markus1970 - 1
- 2
Writing 32 bit value
#78 opened by AlekseyHS - 10
Network Stream
#77 opened by harjitsinghhpk - 1
Serial Port Parity
#73 opened by wecoxSand - 1
- 1
[BUG]ModbusClinet.ReadHoldingRegisters Throw NullReferenceException(在我的程序具有重连功能时引发的异常)
#75 opened by jkh404 - 3
Modbus TCP server can not handle a client connection where the data length is greater than 125
#72 opened by ListGrid - 3
- 3
.Net 5 version TCP client is not working.
#62 opened by nickdu088 - 0
Unable to catch IOException from ModbusServer
#67 opened by JohannChx - 3
- 2
- 5
- 3
Multiple RTU connection to clients
#60 opened by NintendoPlayer - 0
Transaction identifier
#56 opened by vazquezbonilla - 0
- 0
Support ASCII protocol of Modbus RTU?
#54 opened by kiyoungsong - 3
Exception: Serial Port already opened
#52 opened by hannekedo - 0
simulator connection bug while select RS485
#51 opened by masterchen - 3
No support for .NET standard
#43 opened by bjarnekrottje - 3
When the TCP server is disconnected
#49 opened by NowUp - 0
numberOfClientsChanged issue
#48 opened by DOGoCAT07 - 4
- 3
UnitIdentifier & Modbus TCP
#44 opened by pechezerov