React18 JSON View

React function component for displaying javascript arrays and JSON objects.


Sample of generated blockies


npm install react18-json-view --save


import JsonView from 'react18-json-view'
import 'react18-json-view/src/style.css'

<JsonView src={my_json_object} />


Name Type Default Description
src JSON Object None This property contains your input JSON
collapseStringsAfterLength integer 99 When an integer value is assigned, strings will be cut off at that length. Collapsed strings are inserted by an ellipsis. String content can be expanded and collapsed by clicking on the string value.
collapseObjectsAfterLength integer 20 When an integer value is assigned, the object and array will be collapsed initially.
enableClipboard boolean true When prop is not false, the user can copy objects and arrays to clipboard by clicking on the clipboard icon.


react-json-view does not support React 18.


  • copy (enableClipboard)
  • collapse at a particular depth (collapsed)
  • css

Custom styles

Here are all the style codes, you can freely change color variables, such as --json-property, or others.

.json-view {
	--json-property: #009033;
	--json-index: #676dff;
	--json-number: #676dff;
	--json-string: #b2762e;
	--json-boolean: #dc155e;
	--json-null: #dc155e;
.json-view .json-view--property {
	color: var(--json-property);
.json-view .json-view--index {
	color: var(--json-index);
.json-view .json-view--number {
	color: var(--json-number);
.json-view .json-view--string {
	color: var(--json-string);
.json-view .json-view--boolean {
	color: var(--json-boolean);
.json-view .json-view--null {
	color: var(--json-null);
.json-view:hover > .json-view--copy {
	display: inline-block;
.json-view .json-view--pair:hover > .json-view--copy {
	display: inline-block;
.json-view .json-view--copy {
	display: none;
	width: 1em;
	height: 1em;
	margin-left: 4px;
	vertical-align: -11%;
	cursor: pointer;

.json-view .jv-indent {
	padding-left: 16px;
.json-view .jv-chevron {
	display: inline-block;
	vertical-align: -20%;
	cursor: pointer;
	opacity: 0.4;
.json-view .jv-chevron:hover {
	opacity: 0.8;
.json-view .jv-button {
	background: transparent;
	outline: none;
	border: none;
	cursor: pointer;
.json-view .cursor-pointer {
	cursor: pointer;