
A port of the University of Bristol CAMLE compiler skeleton to Maven.

Primary LanguageJava


A port of the University of Bristol CAMLE (Compiler to Abstract Machine for Language Engineering) to a standard Maven project format.

CAMLE is a skeleton compiler using ANTLRv3. It is meant to compile a language, which we'll call Whilst, but incomplete. Whilst is based on the While language from Principles of Program Analysis (Nielson, Nielson and Hankin).

Using the compiler

To run the compiler, you will first need to package it using Maven. A Maven wrapper is included, so you can run:

./mvnw package

And the wrapper will do everything for you. There is no need to install Maven or ANTLR globally.

Once packaged, you can test the compiler skeleton by running:

 java -jar target/antlr3-camle-jar-with-dependencies.jar -lex src/test/while/testsk.w

This executes the uk.ac.bris.cs.camle.Camle class, asking it to lex the testsk.w test program. The subset of the language in testsk.w is implemented already, so this will output something like:

10 "write"         
7 "("              
9 "'hello world'"  
4 ")"              
8 ";"              
11 "writeln"       
8 ";"              
10 "write"         
7 "("              
6 "0"              
4 ")"              
... etc.

You can also supply other flags - -syn and -irt.

When completed, the compiler should be able to lex, parse and compile test0.w.

Future development

I am currently updating the skeleton to use ANTLR4 - you can try a basic version with

 java -jar target/antlr4-camle-jar-with-dependencies.jar -syn src/test/while/testsk.w