
This is work in progress, not stable, very experimental etc.

Primary LanguagePHP


Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Build Status

EventSauce is a somewhat opinionated, no-nonsense, and easy way to introduce event sourcing into PHP projects. It's designed so storage and queueing mechanisms can be chosen based on your specific requirements. It has test tooling, designed to work with an event sourcing mindset.

That's it.


Have an AggregateRoot


use EventSauce\EventSourcing\BaseAggregateRoot;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Time\Clock;

final class EventSourcingThing extends BaseAggregateRoot
    private $name;

    public function rename(Clock $clock, string $newName)
        if ($this->name !== $newName) {
            $this->recordThat(new TheThingWasRenamed(
    protected function applyTheThingWasRenamed(TheThingWasRenamed $event)
        $this->name = $event->name();

and test it.


use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AggregateRootTestCase;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AggregateRootRepository;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\AggregateRootId;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\UuidAggregateRootId;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\CommandHandler;
use EventSauce\EventSourcing\Time\Clock;

class EventSourcingThingTest extends AggregateRootTestCase
    protected function aggregateRootId(): AggregateRootId
        return UuidAggregateRootId::create();
    protected function aggregateRootClassName(): string
        return EventSourcingThing::class;
    protected function commandHandler(AggregateRootRepository $repository, Clock $clock): CommandHandler
        return new SomeCommandHandler($repository, $clock);
     * @test
    public function renaming()
        $aggregateRootId = new AggregateRootId('identifier');
        $this->when(new RenameTheThing($aggregateRootId, 'new name'))
            ->then(new TheThingWasRenamed(
                'new name'



The AggregateRoot is the main Entity which is our contact point to the internal behavior/process.


The AggregateRootRepository is our main point of infrastructural contact,


An event represents something that happened which is relevant to the business.


A message is the distributed format of an event which can contain relevant, not domain specific, metadata.


The message is responsible for persisting and retrieving Message's. A MessageRepository is like an EventStore, but contains messages instead of purely events.


The MessageDispatcher is responsible for dispatching messages to Consumer's.


A Consumer handles Messages's.


This is just a Consumer.


This is just a Consumer.