Quick-start guide
The following document explains how to quickly generate a fully responsive, branded project website for The PHP League. These sites are created using Jekyll and are designed to be hosted on GitHub Pages.
Install Jekyll
If you do not yet have Jekyll installed, do that first.
Create gh-pages branch
Go to your project folder.
cd your-project-folder
Create an orphaned gh-pages branch and remove all files from the old working tree.
git checkout --orphan gh-pages
git rm -rf .
If you already have a gh-pages branch, simply switch to it.
git checkout gh-pages
Install the theme
The following script will add the necessary files and folders for the website theme. It will NOT overwrite or delete any existing files.
php -r "readfile('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thephpleague/theme.thephpleague.com/gh-pages/scripts/create.php');" | php
The basic file stucture looks like this:
├── _data
│ ├── images.yml
│ ├── menu.yml
│ └── project.yml
├── _layouts
│ └── default.html
├── .gitignore
└── index.md
Build your website
View the Jekyll documentation here. Be sure to add your site specific settings to the config files found in the _data
folder. Also add your domain name to the CNAME
jekyll serve --watch
View your development site at localhost:4000.
Commit and deploy
When you're ready to deploy your website, simply push it to the gh-pages
branch of your GitHub project. You do not need to commit the compiled website, as GitHub Pages does this automatically.
git add -A
git commit -m "Inital commit"
git push origin gh-pages