
Some programming experiments in different programming languages like C++, Python, and Rust.

Primary LanguagePython

Experiments Repository

Welcome to my Experiments repository! This repository is a collection of my explorations and experiments with various research ideas, implemented in different programming languages. The goal of these experiments is to understand and explore the capabilities and features of these languages in depth.

Repository Structure

The repository is organized by programming languages. Each language has its own directory, which contains various projects or files related to specific experiments. Here's a brief overview:


  • cpp-new-features: Experimenting with the new features introduced in C++10/14/17/20.
  • functional: Exploring the functional features of C++17 and beyond.
  • nn: A simple neural network implemented in C++.
  • nonhomo: A first implementation of the nonhomomorphism concept.
  • template_metaprogramming: Examples demonstrating the template metaprogramming feature in C++.


  • hello.go: Experimenting with basic language features of Go.


  • first: Experimenting with basic language features of Julia.
  • string_basics: Exploring basic string functions in Julia.
  • data_frames: Working with data frames in Julia.


  • NonHomomorphism: Python implementation of the nonhomomorphism concept.
  • TF: TensorFlow experiments.
  • partial_coloring: Experimenting with partial coloring.
  • pyMetis: Working with PyMetis.
  • python-code-samples: Various Python code samples.


  • rust_gtea: Rust implementation of the GTEA algorithm.


While this repository primarily serves as a personal space for my experiments, contributions or suggestions are always welcome. Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have something to add or suggest.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.