
Puppy room OpenGL graphics project. Written in C++ with OpenGL 1.XX, GLUT, IMGUI, STB_IMAGE. Built with Cmake.

Primary LanguageC++

Puppy Room Graphics OpenGL Project

Written in C++ with OpenGL 1.XX, GLUT, IMGUI, STB_IMAGE. Built with Cmake. room image dog image


  1. Puppy and objects created from spheres.
  2. Puppy walks and turns.
  3. Puppy/object collision detection.
  4. Puppy head/tal/leg animations.
  5. Rich control menu.
  6. Various material lighting properties.
  7. Point direction-less light source (lamp) and point spotlight (window).
  8. Ability to change light intensity and directions.
  9. Basis for texture implementation (see ./stb_image and ./floor.cpp) - NOT IMPLEMENTED.