
Standalone repo to test converting sql commands into Linux histogram tracing logic

Primary LanguageC

This repo is just used to test parsing sql commands to create commands to
add Linux kernel histogram logic:

 (read https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/trace/histogram.rst)

This is a testbed for trace-cmd start --sql '...' commands, which will hopeful
turn into:

 trace-cmd start \
    --sql '(select start.common_timestamp as start_time, end.common_timestamp as end_time, start.pid,
                   (start_time - end_time) as delta
            from sched_waking as start
            join sched_switch as end
              on start.pid = end.next_pid) as first'

Will produce:

 # echo 'first u64 start_time u64 end_time pid_t pid u64 delta' >> synthetic_events 
 # echo 'hist:keys=pid:start=common_timestamp' > events/sched/sched_waking/trigger 
 # echo 'hist:keys=next_pid:start2=$start,delta=common_timestamp-$start:onmatch(sched.sched_waking).trace(first,$start2,common_timestamp,next_pid,$delta)' > events/sched/sched_switch/trigger