
set windows 10 lock/logon image to random art or your chosen file

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Sets Windows 10 lock screen background to random art or your chosen image.


ArtLockImage changes logon screen background to either image which filename is passed as argument or by reading and downloading a random image from links provided in urls file. The urls is a simple text file where each line is just: link;author;title, author/title fields are optional. If no urls file is avaiable ~1000 image links are downloaded from most-famous-paintings.com website. The image is downloaded to image.jpg file and transformed to output.jpg. The transformation assumes some scaling and putting the content close to the right edge. If provided author and title are placed on top.

Syntax & options:

artlockimage [imagefile|options]


imagefile  sets lock screen image without any transformation
-ct        creates 'ArtLockImage' scheduled windows task triggerred logoff
-t         use temporary path for image storage");
-h         shows this help


Place artlockimage.exe somewhere safe and run

artlockimage -ct

This should create task. To remove the task run

schtasks /delete /tn ArtLockImage /f

The folder should be writable. In case it is not you can run artlockimage -ct -t and temprorary folder will be used for all images.

Note that Windows come with some weird logon screen options.

Unblurring background

If you do not want to have background blurred add this to registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Disabling Windows Spotlight

Reg Add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CloudContent" /T REG_DWORD /V "DisableWindowsSpotlightFeatures" /D 1 /F  


Clone the repo and build running:

dotnet build

However if you want a clean single exe run also:

dotnet publish --output "out" --runtime win-x64 --configuration Release -p:PublishTrimmed=true -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained 
del out\*.pdb

Now you have artlockimage.exe in out folder. Move urls file there or it will be downladed automatically.
