
This project creates a simple API focused in top 90's films.

Tools Used



Server Enviorment






Getting Started

You'll need to install Node.js in your machine.

Once Node.js is installed, you should be also able to use npm (npm is a node package manager - which will help you install further required modules) which comes by default with Node.js

Please check that npm is installed successfully by running the following command on your terminal.

node -v


In order to setup the project on your local machine you need to run the following command on your terminal

npm install node

Install MongoDB

Please follow the steps to install MongoDB on your machine

Run the server

npm index.js or npm start

API endpoints

Business Logic URL HTTP Method Request Body data Format Response Body data Format
Retrieve a list of ALL movies /movies GET - { "title": "Eyes Wide Shut","year": "1999","gender": "Thriller" }
Retrieve data about a single movie by TITLE /movies/:title GET - { "title": "Lolita","year": "1962","gender": "Drama" }
Return data about a genre (description) by name (e.g., “Drama”) /genre/:name GET - { "_id": 2,"name": "Drama","description": "The drama genre ..." }
Return data about a director (bio, birth year, death year) by name /directors/:name GET - { { "_id": 4,"name": "James Cameron","bio": "James Francis Cameron was born ...", "placeOfBirth": "Kapuskasing, Ontario, Canada","birthDate": "1954-08-16T00:00:00.000Z" } }
Allow new users to register /users/add POST { userName: -REQUIRED-password: -REQUIRED- email: -REQUIRED-placeOfBirth: "",favoriteMovies: "" } -
Allow users to update their user info by userName /user/:userName PUT { userName: -REQUIRED- password: -REQUIRED- email: -REQUIRED- placeOfBirth: -REQUIRED- } -
Allow users to add a movie to their list of favorites by userName /users/:userName/favMovies/:favoriteMovies POST - -
Allow users to remove a movie from their list of favorites /users/:userName/Movies/:favoriteMovies DELETE - -
Allow existing users to deregister /users/delete/:userName DELETE - USER was deleted.